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Adding or not adding a senate scene would also depend on how you view this edit, whether it's intended as a sequel to the prequel (if you get my meaning) or if it should stand alone as it first did, but with added effects and such. If it's a stand alone kind of thing, I'm not sure it'd be a good idea to jump to a planet we've never seen into a location we have no context for, so a character we've never met can tell a bunch of people they're not needed anymore only to leave the scene right after he does so and not see anyone from it for the rest of the movie.
Making our own 35mm preservation--my crazy proposal
This whole debate strikes me as kind of a painting vs. photography argument. At the dawn of any new technology with similar applications as an older technology, invariably people will begin to argue that either the new will permanently replace the old or that the old will remain and any new technology is inferior or just a fad.

However, like painting and photography, both film and digital offer unique advantages and disadvantages depending on what your goals are. As already mentioned, video can be significantly cheaper for low budget pictures or pictures with a high number of visual effects. However, film still offers better resolution, dynamic range and color space than video can currently muster.

Both of these formats give you certain things for "free" that the other doesn't. It's very difficult to replicate the grainy, softer look of film on video whereas it can happen automatically for film. Conversely, video can keep everything in sharp focus, which can be desirable to some film makers. Orson Welles and his cinematographer Gregg Toland struggled to keep the entire frame in focus for "Citizen Kane," even going so far as to use optical mattes to achieve the effect when it could not be produced in-camera.

To denounce either film or video as inferior or ugly is to ignore the inherent qualities of both. We should appreciate that each format has its advantages and shortcomings and neither will replace the other.

So anyway....about that 35mm preservation?
Garbled Huffyuv AVIs after Windows re-install
I've been working on my own editing project using huffyuv encoded AVIs taken from DVD vobs and everything was going fine until I had to re-install Windows. All the movie files are on a separate hard drive, so I figured they wouldn't be damaged. However, now that I've re-installed windows and checked the project, all the movie files look like this:


I've tried installing mulitiple versions of huffyuv, 2.2.0, 2.1.1, 1.3.1 but none of them fix the problem. I'm really hoping you guys can help me out because if I had to re-do the whole thing I'd be totally bummed .
The legendary &quot;Starkiller Ranch&quot; Thread
I think that's a great start to a trimmed down version of the Episode III opening, but I don't think the movie works without seeing Anakin take out Dooku. For one thing, it's the start of his fall to the Dark Side and there are already precious few good scenes dealing with that in the movie. Also, it'd be terribly distracting and nonsensical if the only thing we hear about Dooku in Episode III is some throw-away "oh yeah he died" line from Sidious when he's talking to Grevious.
The legendary &quot;Starkiller Ranch&quot; Thread
I'm no expert at video editing or rotoscopping, but I figure you could probably cobble together enough material to construct a believable scene for the Emperor's arrival in the beginning of RotJ using shots from ESB and a bit of special effects.

I put together this little picture to show what I'm thinking:


Frame 1: RoTJ opening crawl pans down to...
Frame 2: ...flopped establishing shot of SSD & fleet from ESB
Frame 3: shot of SSD & fleet approaching Hoth with the DSII rotoscopped over the planet
Frame 4: another flopped ESB shot with a shuttle (taken from later in RotJ when Han & the gang are flying it) rotoscopped in
Frames 5&6: return to normal RotJ Emperor's arrival scene

If this kind of editing is completely unfeasible, then nevermind.