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Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

SnooPac said:

I think the initial confusion is that you mean rotj 2.5* (not 2.7) is still listed.

And I think that’s a valid question (which might have a good answer/justification):
Why is rotj 2.5 still listed when rotj 3.1 is released (and presumably supercedes it)?

Exactly my point. I wonder if it’s because ROTJ 2.5 is made like all the others DEED (by adding different sources together), whereas 3.0 and 3.1 are from a 1983 source, and demand a different set of skills.

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

HanDuet said:

Mac-Bain said:
Why do you keep ROTJ 2.7 now that 3.1 is out? Is it because 2.7 was the last “classically made” despecialize and 3.1 is from a scan? Thanks and keep up the great work!

The previous DEED releases for Return of the Jedi were ROTJ v3.0 and ROTJ v2.5, neither of which are being actively listed. You might be thinking of Star Wars v2.7, which is the current and color-corrected version of SW v2.5.

Thanks for your answer. I’m actually referring to the download guide, which still list ROTJ 2.7 in the current section. Also ROTJ 2.7 is included in the current linked torrent file that contains the updated Harmy’s version. So I was just wandering.
On another note, after a deep dive in the 2 main restorations forums, all the work and dedication on these films are overwhelming, this is truly impressive.

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Hi everyone! This is a pure appreciation post (with one tiny question), I was there at the very first release and it was impressive and years later the sum of work from you Harmy, and the literal army of people working on restoring these classic is truly amazing. Congratulations everyone, they’re beauties and ROTJ 3.1 looks like it was shot yesterday. This is dedication at its best. Now for the tiny question: Why do you keep ROTJ 2.7 now that 3.1 is out? Is it because 2.7 was the last “classically made” despecialize and 3.1 is from a scan? Thanks and keep up the great work!