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Star Trek: Excelsior (Released)

I've had a look and it's pretty good, I always wondered what a merger of Flashback and The Undiscovered Country would look like - the scenes work well together and ignoring Janeway isn't that hard.

My only gripe is that you've had to include so much other ST VI footage, essentially showing a truncated version of the film, but what else could you do?

Well, if you're really into the idea of doing a one off Excelsior episode try having a look for some more footage of Excelsior class ships - plenty appear in TNG, and in DS9 you might even find some nice battle scenes?

Maybe with shrewd editing you could create an alternative plot that doesn't revolve around the plot of ST VI; perhaps the shockwave comes from something else? And the 'rescuing of old friends' needn't be Kirk & McCoy.

The other option is to go for an extended cut of ST VI using the Flashback footage.

Given the wealth of material availiable accross the films and series, I reckon you could cobble together an interesting piece.



Alien: Resurrection - The Experiment (* unfinished project *)
Johnny Ringo said:

okay one thing I think AVP does have over A:R is the music. Would you be making any/ many alterations to the soundtrack?

I've just been listening to the AVP soundtrack and forgotten how good it actually sounds.

Yeah, the AVP soundtrack (same goes for AVP-R) is very good, an excellent blend of the themes from both franchises.

I'll be honest and say that I don't like the soundtrack to Resurrection. It's weak and feels like a bad rip off of the other film's scores. It's funny you should ask this question as it's something I've been thinking about recently. Could I completely replace the score? Perhaps. But with what - my first choice would be to cherry pick tracks from the Alien trilogy and other sci-fi films but that could take ages.

Given that I consider Resurrection to be a non-canon piece of arse I'm keen on doing something quite radically different and going for a more electronic sounding score. Think how Legend worked with both the original Jerry Goldsmith score and the Tangerine Dream score. In fact I'm quite up on using bits of Tangerine Dream.

I'll work on adding a different score to a few clips as a test sometime soon.
Alien: Resurrection - The Experiment (* unfinished project *)

Alien: Resurrection - The Experiment

My first fan edit, <span class=“Italics”>Alien: Resurrection - The Experiment</span>, will be based upon and use footage from 20th Century Fox’s theatrical release of Alien Resurrection (Dec ’97) and the ‘alternate cut’ found in the Alien Quadrilogy box set (2003). I expect the original runtime of 104 minutes to remain largely unchanged. I expect to complete the project by June 2008.

Alien: Resurrection annoys me intensely. I have a great love for the Alien films & universe as well as the Predator and AVP films, but this film makes me angry.
Whilst Alien 3 (possibly my favourite of the saga) had its problems rooted in nightmarish pre-production multiple scripts, negative studio involvement and shockingly abusive cutting of material, Alien: Resurrection did not. Alien 3’s redemption came about because of its tumultuous history.

The fundamental flaw with Resurrection is the script, and to a lesser degree the casting. The concepts and ideas (particularly the cloning DNA metamorphosis and newborn) that could have made this film genuinely interesting are underdeveloped and what is present gets buried beneath the mire of Joss Whedon’s band of pirates.
Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s visual style however does not seem out of place when the themes and ideas of mutation are concerned. Whilst Alien: Resurrection looks pretty good, the visuals cannot disguise what is a badly told half thought out story.

Heck, the first half an hour or so aren’t that bad, but once the ‘evacuation’ scene is over the film becomes ‘walk down a corridor, find a room with something in it’ ad nausea till the anticlimactic end.

Project Brief:
Given all this you might wonder what can be done (and why I’d bother). Well, simply put not a lot can be done. There is no missing footage that fills plot holes, all there is to work with is the film as it is (and the alternate cut with the extra 5 mins of mostly bad dialogue and awful ending).

What can be done however and what I intend to do is to restore some of the ‘feel’ of the Alien trilogy to this bastard son, mostly through tweaking parts of the dialogue.

What I hope to achieve is a cut of Alien: Resurrection that has greater dramatic tension and less comic nonsense. For this reason, and also because this is my first fan edit I’ve decided to subtitle my cut “The Experiment”.

Why the film doesn’t work and what I intend to do about it:
The ‘rehabilitation’ of Ripley 8, which is by far the most intriguing and well constructed part of A: R is the whole of the first 10 or so minutes of the film.

Restructure the first 20 or so minutes of the film to introduce the Betty and crew sooner and inter-cut with Ripley 8’s scenes. Hopefully this will add a more interesting build up and show that the crew of the Betty are blissfully unaware of the trouble they’re in.

The ‘witty banter’ and one-liners only undermine the film, destroying any sense of drama and tension in each scene and making the already two-dimensional supporting cast even more annoying.

This will be the easiest and most rewarding task. Simply edit out the bad lines (this does mean watching the film repeatedly and essentially transcribing it)!

The character Call is awful. This is most likely due to Winona Ryder’s appalling lack of acting skills. The back-story of Call being on a personal quest to kill Ripley 8, the aliens and generally save the universe is totally undermined by the whining ‘emo’ that miss Ryder portrays.

Removal of choice dialogue, mostly between Call and Ripley 8 in her cell and again in the chapel, will present a different take on Call who is merely a droid with various hang-ups and a streak of self-loathing.

The Aliens are simply not scary, and are barely featured in the film as any sort of adversary. In fact there’s practically no tension in the second half of the film. The Auriga approaching Earth does little to add any kind of pressure.

This will be the hardest thing to sort out. Reworking Wren’s dialogue to suggest they’re much closer to Earth might help, as would inserting shots of the Auriga travelling towards Earth. As for the aliens, perhaps adding in occasional shots of them could suggest the crew are (or rather Ripley 8 is) being watched/stalked.

The ladder scene is terrible. Christie’s meaningless self-sacrifice, Johner’s shooting a spider and Call’s miraculous return (after we’ve been told no alternative route is available) are all garbage.

<span class=“Italics”>Remove Johner shooting the spider. It’s pointless and another ‘comic moment’ in the middle of a tense scene. Altering Wren’s dialogue before the underwater kitchen scene would make Call’s return seem a little less contrived.</span>

Other things to go – the ‘viper pit’, I mean come on, wtf?

So there you have it, this will be something of a learning curve for me as I get to grips with editing a whole film but it’ll be fun! Any comments & criticism will be gratefully recieved.



Info Wanted: any 'Highlander: The Source'... fan edits in the works?
Having only seen the leaked avi I acquired I'm unsure what differences there are between versions (if any)? However I will force myself to go buy the DVD and watch it again (whilst swearing heavily at the TV).

I'm wondering if somehow I could splice this with Endgame, using Connor's death as the reason for Duncan's melodrama (and search for the Source) rather than his inability to keep another random girlfriend.
Episode 3 - Editing Back in Progress (* unfinished project *)
Originally posted by: darkhelmet
Originally posted by: Mabrothrax

I'm really interested to know how you've made this work, in particular - Obi-Wan, where does he go?
Well, we haven't made it work yet. It seems possible we can cut references to Grievous and still have Obi-wan leave on some undescribed campaign.

I like the possibility of what this might do to the overall story, focusing it more on Anakin's frustrations and relationship with Padme.

I would probably need to keep some of the battle on Utapau but would only follow through with Obi-wan to show where has gone and how he reconnects with Anakin later.

I ask mainly because I'm working on my own mamoth edit of the PT and I'm seriously considering either doing away with Grevious or completley re dubbing him (new script as well) possibly adding in the suggested Maul connection.

Are you making one movie out of the three?

If so, there's a good edit you should check out if you haven't yet for how they can all be cut together, STAR WARS - Fall Of The Republic by Blankfist. Has some major aesthetic problems in the Episode I portion, but the concepts are cool.

BTW, there was a suggested Maul connection? Do tell...

The Darth Maul connection, I've seen it mentioned on this forum and others (can't remember exactly where though) the idea beign that Grevious is the cybernetic recreation of Darth Maul, mostly as the eyes are similar and perhaps the lightsaber usage.

I have seen Fall of the Republic and yes I am attempting something similar, TPM is down to an hour at present and it works well. II & III are problems for me - in AOTC Anakin is almost gone and the same goes for Obi-Wan in ROTS. If I can work the story to a satisfactory level I'll start a thread.

Anyway, the crawl looks good so far but I've not attempted anything similar so can't really add any technical help!

Regarding your story & Obi-Wan, perhaps he merely goes after 'the separatist leader(s)', surely the phrase is spoken enouhg (in AOTC as well) for a few re-dubs?
Episode 3 - Editing Back in Progress (* unfinished project *)
Originally posted by: darkhelmet
Well, it's slow-going with life and other projects in the mix, but a friend and I sat down with an Episode 3 script and went to work; he's got a head for story details and is great at continuity!

We cut out a bunch of stuff (Grievous will be gone as Kerr had said he was doing with his edit) and added some scenes back in (making Padme a stronger character).

Seeing that the story would actually work without Grievous (it was like getting a look at what Lucas had written before the addition of Grievous the story flows so well!), I got excited to begin my final anamorphic widescreen edit, and wrote a new title crawl with my friend's input.

I'm really interested to know how you've made this work, in particular - Obi-Wan, where does he go? I ask mainly because I'm working on my own mamoth edit of the PT and I'm seriously considering either doing away with Grevious or completley re dubbing him (new script as well) possibly adding in the suggested Maul connection.