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The Things We Hate And Love Thread .
Originally posted by: ricarleite
MWThomas please DO behave. No one personally acused your of anything, and you should refrain from doing so. If you cannot continue a discussion in a polite, educated way, we'd have to ask you not to proceed.

I'll ignore your last post, which I strongly advise you to edit, and reply to the whole thing:

Yes, it is true that people that shouldn't be at E3 actually go there, but there's no way to avoid influential people to get their wishes. The whole porpouse of E3 is to promote viodegame through the industry and media, and not to entertain the general audience. THERE ARE plenty of gaming conventions open to the public.

Fuck you too, asshole!
The Things We Hate And Love Thread .
Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
[quote]With all the dollars I've shelled out to the industry over the years, I (and every other dedicated gamer) sure as hell deserve it.

So because you buy the product the industry is promoting, you should go there? What?

No amount of complaining is ever going to get you into E3. Either get a job in the industry or at the LA Convention Center, or quit whining.

Or you should go fuck yourself.

And this whole god damn forums can go to hell! Now ban me motherfuckers!

The Things We Hate And Love Thread .
Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
Dude, quit the pompous holier-than-thou routine. G4 gets in because THEY ARE JOURNALISTS, and if you haven't noticed, the DO film the games. Everything else at E3 is window dressing. E3 is a showcase primarily to generate hype, not a free-play fun time. E3 is DESIGNED for journalists to report, thereby generating hype for new games and systems. And saying gamers "deserve" anything as if they are better than any other type of person is just stupid.

And you still haven't come up with a solution to how you can have several THOUSAND extra people in the LA convention center without breaking down the walls.

And people, this is why I hate the entitlement culture. "I deserve it! I'm too lazy to get an actual job in the industry to get into E3, so they should open it to the public!"

Dumbass, they need a bigger venue. And don't give me your pompus holier-than-thou-routine, you stupid son of a bitch! Sitting there behind your keyboard you have the audacity to accuse me of being lazy. I have no desire to be a journalist or game developer, but with all the dollars I've shelled out to the industry over the years, I (and every other dedicated gamer) sure as hell deserve it. And to the other point, some of the worst games ever have received the greatest amount of hype. I think letting the public in would also serve to filter some of the products that the industry churns out.
The Things We Hate And Love Thread .
Originally posted by: ricarleite
Originally posted by: MWThomas
Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
Excuse me? Have you seen how crowded E3 is even with industry-only admittance? Letting the public in would simply NOT work. The LA convention center doesn't have unlimited space.

It's not a problem for the Tokyo Game Show. That is not a valid excuse.

The E3 is not for general public viewing, even though about 20% of the attendance is made of non-industry related people (invited guests, influential people from other industries, people who got contacts and managed to get in). Allowing anyone to get in would not generate only crowd the whole convention center, but would miss the whole point of the E3, it's supposed to be an industry showcase, not an entertainment spot for videogame fans. I am pretty sure there are other gaming conventions on the USA in which general audience is admitted.

Bull, the industry doesn't need to show itself what it's developing. Besides, they have the GDC. E3 is a hypocracy! They say that no one under 18 is admitted, yet I hear reports of the children of game developers running about the halls. What gives those cretins the right be at E3? And what's this about afluent members of other industries being at E3? Surely they have no business there. It's all bullcrap! Children at E3, celebrities who have business being there, members of other industries, a third-rate cable network crowding the palce with camera crews to film everything but the games, and idiots like you who defend it. Stop kissing the hypocritical ass of E3 and wake up! The gamers deserve a whole helluva lot better!
The Things We Hate And Love Thread .
I have two more.

E3 and G4. I hate those two more than anything else in existence. E3, the big video game show where G4 is allowed to film their pathetic and juvenile skits (and they have the audacity to say that we (the general gaming public) would get in the way, and that is their only excuse for not letting us in!). I would love nothing more than to see them both destroyed!