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The War of the Stars Part II - The Future in Motion (Released)

Just got this yesterday. As a huge fan of War of the Stars I was enthralled to see this was released (I have been out of the scene for a few months).


TMBTM is a mad genius. So much great stuff here: the opening, Yoda entrance, the ending are but three of the singular masterpieces as part of this edit. And combining ESB and ROTJ was nearly flawless.


My only nitpicks would have been to make some blemishes here and there, like a film burn or something may have helped some of those more awkward dubovers and added a little drive-in flair to it since it's still a sequel to a grindhousey film. And there was some stretches near the end that could have used some changes to keep things fun (more James Earl Jones weird lines!).


Still those are small nitpicks. The ending blew me away, what a different feeling you're left with at the end, so awesome.


Pure genius man, great stuff.