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"Son, you need to be happy with this gopher" - my unfinished silly Star Wars mistranslation project

Hello. This was originally posted on Reddit, but somebody deleted my post without any explanation or notification whatsoever. One of the users who saw my original post contacted me and suggested I repost it here. The following is my original Reddit post, adjusted for formatting.

A long time ago I came up with a splendidly stupid idea: I’d take the subtitles to Star Wars and feed them through Bad Translator (http://ackuna.com/badtranslator). I managed to get halfway through before things stopped working right on the Bad Translator’s side - I can still use Yandex to translate manually, which I did for several lines towards the end, but it takes far too much time that way. I hoped I could present you with a complete silly mistranslation of the entire OT, but it seems that a half of Star Wars will have to do.

Anyway, here are some hand-picked examples of silliest mistranslations:

Original —> Bad translation

We’ll be sent to the spice mines of Kessel, or smashed into who knows what!
—> These trees are David, so the conditions of the boiler.

Don’t you call me a mindless philosopher, you overweight glob of grease!
—> Call me blind, very strong, a philosopher, a standard oil!

Thank the maker! This oil bath is going to feel so good.
—> Thank you to the author! Oils, like my father, I feel good about myself and ointment.

I’ve got such a bad case of dust contamination, I can barely move.
—> You can contact people who are already married.

Boy, it’s lucky you had these compartments.
—> Son, you need to be happy with this gopher.

Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise.
—> Only Islam is awesome, very reasonable.

I can’t understand how we got by those troops. I thought we were dead.
—> I don’t know how to reach God. I thought he was dead.

The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded.
—> The impact of alcohol consumption may affect the brain.

You just watch yourself. We’re wanted men. I have the death sentence on 12 systems.
—> Come, you’ll see. We have a friend, and she is 12 years old.

This little one’s not worth the effort.
—> These people should not be high.

Fast ship? You’ve never heard of the Millennium Falcon?
—> Speed in the water, but you don’t hear anything from the eagle.

…any Imperial entanglements.
—> It’s just the bloody point of the Kingdom of God.

All systems are operational. What course shall we set?
—> Windows can’t protect you?

She may not look like much, but she’s got it where it counts, kid.
—> It can be many things, but this is one of the most important things for small children.

Stop that ship! Blast them!
—> I can get in the pool! It’s incredible!

Watch your mouth, kid, or you’re gonna find yourself floating home.
—> Attention, the United Kingdom can find houses in the water.

I’m surprised you had the courage to take the responsibility yourself.
—> I’m surprised management is responsible for the person’s name and surname.

That’s ’cause a droid don’t pull people’s arms out of their sockets when they lose.
—> He is really good when he screams…

I suggest you try it again, Luke.
—> I suggest you try another hole.

We’ve come out of hyperspace into a meteor shower.
—> We dropped out of the bathroom in the future.

You can download the subtitles here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ye6q939mttfn58j/SW_DE25_Eng_SILLY.zip. They’re modified subs from Harmy’s Star Wars Despecialized Edition 2.5, so I recommend playing that version, loading the subs and setting the audio to a language you don’t speak. Enjoy!


Green artifact on Luke’s forehead.

There’s one more thing I noticed which may or may not be of note. A year ago Harmy posted a better version of the Jabba’s palace scene and I took a screenshot of it. Now that the workprint came out I wanted to compare this still with the new release and got this. If you look closely, you’ll notice that in the 2.0 workprint the scene is cropped more than in 1.0 - this is especially visible on Oola’s eyes.

EDIT: Also, the workprint has a very narrow (1 pixel) black border on the left and right of the image, also visible in the Oola screenshot above, which wasn’t there in 1.0.

Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV &amp; AVCHD (Released)

Harmy said:The dubbing I'm using for the DeEds is the original Guild Home Video dubbing.

Thanks for the info. That would mean that the clip I linked to was from the Bonton Home Video dub, as the voices were similar sounding.

Harmy said:it was horrible that whenever Han opened his mouth Luke's voice came out

And you can't even blame Lucas for it. ;) Unless, of course, the BD dub was directed by a Jirí Lukáš - that would actually be pretty awesome. :)

Harmy said:And Vader definitely never says "Jsem tvuj tatinek" (which would be the equivalent of "I'm your daddy") in any of the Czech dubs :-D

I thought that might be the case. It's pretty much an urban legend and you know how reliable those are - somebody made a joke, somebody else misheard it and somebody else still printed it. Also it doesn't help that the Czech language is inherently amusing to us. (It doesn't work the other way round, does it?)

Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV &amp; AVCHD (Released)

Hello. I've been lurking on the forums for a while, but now that ESB 2.0 was released I decided to register and say a big thank you to Harmy and everyone who had a hand in creating the Despecialized Editions. Thank you, everyone! All the time, effort and hard work you've put into making of those versions is greatly appreciated.

And also another thank you to Harmy for including the Czech dubs in SW and ESB (and hoping for one in RotJ) - you see, I'm Polish and "Jsem tvuj tatinek" is something of a myth in my parts. ;) But on a more serious note, might I ask which dub of the three versions mentioned on the Czech Wikipedia did you use in the DEs? I once found this clip on YouTube, which is clearly a different dub than the one in the DE, but I have no idea which one is which.