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What is/was the best SW Game ever, on any platform?

I wouldn't recommend it. The restored content is mostly subpar and/or tedious. It's not worth it. Watch a video on youtube instead.

KotOR2, even though it's unfinished and technically quite broken, is vastly superior to the first one, which, if you ask me, was a really bland SW game with crappy combat, a mostly poor story, good twist, trademark bad Bioware writing and no evidence of actual artistry being involved in the process of making it. It was a safe product, nothing more.

In a lot of ways - perhaps due to the time constraints - KotOR2 feels like a fix-up of the first one (compare the npcs in both games, for instance). Obsidian tried to add substance to the combat (and failed, but it is a bit more interesting this time around), not to mention that the plot is smart and involving this time around, the writing is good, the characters have motivation and are... well... characters, and not whining cardboard cut-outs spewing crappy dialogue you don't feel the least bit interested in reading/listening to.

I also like how Obsidian attempted do deconstruct and play with some aspects of the rather stale SW mythos rather than taking it at face value like Bioware. KotOR1 felt like a generic modern pseudo-crpg with an expensive license slapped on top of it.

I recommend looking up how the story of KotOR2 was conceived: the lead designer basically decided to round up everything he didn't like about Star Wars, think it over and start writing from there.

I just recently played through KOTOR II: The Sith Lords for PC with the Restored Content Mod. I have played through KOTOR 1 of course and is also recommended but for different reasons, it is more like the Star Wars we know. I played through KOTOR II on 360 when it first came out and did not like it. My recent play through I played fresh with the RCM and I must say, it was quite fantastic. Though the RCM I imagine made some necessary plot connections smoother, I did enjoy the game's still disheveled plot, whether purposely done or not. It fit the games theme.

Also, and this is an understatement, the game is dark. Almost all major decisions in the game beg you to take the grey or dark actions over light actions. But at the same time the game focuses more on what it is to be connected to the force in certain situations and environments than just being light or dark, Jedi or Sith. It was more whole or void. A much deeper theme than I have seen in anything Star Wars.

Interesting opinion. I enjoyed KOTOR2 a lot but I just hated some of the aspects. The most obvious are cliché over-exaggerated abilities of the two main villains (Sion and Nihilus). To me, attaching that kind of super powers to the character is an indication of lack of originality and it seems like a filler for lack of talent to make the character interesting in a classic manner. The second thing I dislike is Malachor V. I don't know whether it is the visual aspects or music or both, but the planet and its story completely ruined the atmosphere that was previously established by the game. It was like I was sucked out of Star Wars and thrown into some cheesy black&white horror film from the first half of the 20th century.

Malachor V is a mass of what used to be a planet filled with life that was destroyed violently by the last battle of the Mandalorian Wars that is now held together purely by the void in the force that the evil committed there has left behind. That's deep.

And control over the Force... is a super power. It was an overriding theme that the force can leave "echoes" in different places in the galaxy and that places like Korriban and Malachor V were forever tainted in the dark side. Not completely implausible to say that a skilled enough Dark Lord would be really tough to beat with home field advantage.

The Krayt Dragon Call

Seeing the movie as a kid I too thought the sound was the sand people and not a Jedi making the call of a "never actually seen or heard in any Star Wars ever" beast (you do fight one in KOTOR though). I feel that living there for so long, he would have some sort of agreement, or history with them to warrant such a response.

The need for him to make that call every time he wants a sand peoples to flee would start a "cried wolf" effect to which they would learn anyway that they are encountering something more scary than a Krayt Dragon, an exiled Jedi. which goes back to point one, why front as a Krayt Dragon if you can pull the Jedi card and cause very loud frightening screams followed by top speed fleeing by sand people all the time. Seems weird to me. Pun intended.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

I would like to see a bad*** scene of Anakin showcasing his supreme mastery of the Force performing feats of incredible strength and finesse the likes of which the "prophecy" and the "one" should be capable of. I never saw that in the films. I did see it in the Clone Wars cartoon series, the original. Then a relatively short period after have him not necessarily turn to the dark side because of grief or hate so much as intellectually he finds it superior, as well as grief and hate. A dark Jedi, not necessarily a Sith. Then he is grossly disfigured and pledges allegiance to the Sith as a rash reaction sealing his fate. End scene.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

StarThoughts said:

Lowbacca said:

My only question is when do we properly remake Episodes I, II, and III?


 I've seen all the re-edits and dub ideas for them. I'm talking about complete refilming using no original scenes. Strike Hayden whatever his last name is from the record. One can dream.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

I downloaded the v2.5 MKV, remuxed and converted to BDMV and burned it to BD-R myself, oh what a treat. STAR WARS. With Han as a stone cold bounty hunter killer running from the Empire and the #1 crime boss in the galaxy, reluctant to take a "chance" job with the two most force adept humans in the galaxy (two out of three we find out in ROTJ who Han romances). Your STAR WARS Harmy, or the original 1977 release, just has a much more real feel to it, the scenes hold more weight than the garbage that is called "Special Edition." Haven't gotten to ESB or ROTJ yet, but I thank you and all who are responsible for the return of these original masterpieces of film.

My only question is when do we properly remake Episodes I, II, and III? Or I guess make, since remake acknowledges the existence of those films, which I don't. They're dead to me.