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Ahsoka Tano / Lord of the Rings Mashup (up on youtube)


The trip to the underworld is a mytheme of comparative mythology found in a diverse number of religions from around the world. The hero or upper-world deity journeys to the underworld or to the land of the dead and returns, often with a quest-object or a loved one, or with heightened knowledge. The ability to enter the realm of the dead while still alive, and to return, is a proof of the classical hero’s exceptional status as more than mortal. A deity who returns from the underworld demonstrates eschatological themes such as the cyclical nature of time and existence, or the defeat of death and the possibility of immortality.

Dave Filoni was never shy about being an enormous fan of Tolkien’s work such as The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings. Ahsoka went on a journey unlike any character within the IP of Star Wars or any fictional character for that matter. Many parallels can be spotted when her narrative is compared to that of Gadalf the Grey and later White.

Her duel with Darth Vader always greatly reminded me of the showdown between Gandalf and Barlog as seen in Felowship of the Ring. Not to mention the outcome of the said fight and the World Between Worlds episode of Star Wars: Rebels.

As your roads go ever, ever on, the Force will be with you, always.

The Ahsoka Tano standalone TV series is just around the corner and I simply can’t wait for it to come out, it is by far my most anticipated project in any medium.

My Star Wars: The Bad Batch Episode 7 In-Depth BREAKDOWN (theories, easter eggs, references and more)


I’ve put a lot of effort into this one, over 11 minutes long with a fair share of editing. I’d really appreciate it if you checked it out and left a comment.

Was half expecting for Cal Kestis to show up. I guess we’re getting Crosshair next week. 😉

A lot more content planned this weak with one FULL FEATURE edit!

<strong>The Bad Batch</strong> (animated series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

https://youtu.be/uJs1zoEugh8 Good soldiers follow orders.

Hope you enjoy this Star Wars: The Bad Batch Tribute dedicated to Crosshair. Premieres 9:00 AM Pacific Time / 18:00 Central European Time so in little over an hour from writing this post! Includes footage from all the Bad Batch episodes released so far, movies, other tv shows and more.

WARNING: Obviously this contains spoilers from the recent Bad Batch episode so do not click the video unless you have seen it.

As for the most recent episode, it felt slightly more filler than the other two though but I LOVED the antagonist narrative part of it if you will. A solid 7, perhaps an 8 from me for this one, with the pilot being a 10 and the 2nd episode a 9. Crooshair’s part of the episode elevated the whole thing to a new level for me.

I think we have never seen something be so dark in Star Wars animation.

With all the recent scenes from Revenge of the Sith remade shot by shot in animation...

jedi_bendu said:

I think the answer is no, but I’d LOVE this. I think Revenge of the Sith is a phenomenal story with poor execution. We’ve seen how well the writers and directors of projects like The Clone Wars and Rebels can handle emotional scenes (just think of how great the final Clone Wars arc is!) and I’m convinced they could do a fantastic remake. One of my other problems with ROTS is a lot of the visuals, the excessive CGI not being to my taste, etc. An animated remake (ironically completely cgi) would most likely also fix this.

I love animation and an animated Revenge of the Sith remake would be a dream for me.

I’d much rather seem them pursue fresh narratives and pour resources into those rather than rehash same storylines.

<strong>Ahsoka</strong> (live action series) - general discussion thread

Ahsoka Tano, a character that went on a journey unlike any other in the Star Wars franchise. Ahsoka’s Fate is intertwined with that of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and both are truly tragic - Ahsoka was unable to save Anakin from his downfall before she was even sketched by Dave Filoni for the first time or any of her dialogue was written.

Despite the fact that Ahsoka left the Jedi Order, I believe past the 5th season of the Clone Wars her core narrative was about being more of a jedi than other actual jedi.

Thought some of you might enjoy this Ahsoka Tano edit: https://youtu.be/OLzOr9fpt78

Why the concept of Force Ghosts was scrapped from TFA and TROS

JJ was planning on bringing back Anakin in TFA as we now know but in the end dropped that idea. Rian brought in Yoda but in TROS once again we saw no Force Ghosts other than Luke this time around. I do wonder why again we did not get to see Anakin, honestly it simply makes sense to bring that character back at least for a brief cameo ESPECIALLY if Sidious makes a comeback.

I have very mixed feelings on the sequels, I enjoyed some things, hated the others though I won’t go into details since that is not really what I want to delve into here. Just curious to hear your thoughts on why we did not get to see other Force Ghosts/Anakin in TFA/TROS and only got to hear the voices at the end.

Thought some of you might enjoy this edit: https://youtu.be/PaqiKCXMkK8

Akira Kurosawa movies and the old Japanese cinema

Any fans of Akira Kurosawa? I believe that both Dave Filoni and George Lucas shared in multiple interviews how they are huge fans of old Samurai movies, among other things and drew inspiration from them when coming up with cinematography, narrative themes etc.

The Jedi episode clearly payed homage to Akira Kurosawa and other Japanese directors: https://youtu.be/wuWFRIViGKQ

The Mandalorian Wars / Revan Origin Story Fan Fic (SCRIPT)

So… I’ve been working on a script for a while now that explores the backstory of Revan and is a prequel of sorts to Knights of the Old Republic. Episode 1 is 20 pages long and could be adapted into a 20+ minute short. Obviously the current version is still an early draft that is rough around the edges and requires a lot of iterative work. The core narrative is there tho. I have an entire movie worth of writing planned out with the main protagonist’s story arc (Hero’s Journey). I’d appreciate any feedback you guys could give me.

Link to the script: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QIHWGlCbOVCWuQunnLh2gRfsVLiD9fOM/view

Also, figured some of you might be interested in seeing this Darth Revan/KOTOR Edit: https://youtu.be/p6IUde1aEUE

Ahsoka Tano - The Journey EDIT (ALL Ahsoka Tano media merged together) (up on youtube)

Thought some of you might appreciate this edit: https://youtu.be/OLzOr9fpt78

SPOILER WARNINGS Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 2, The Clone Wars and Rebels.

“To understand Ahsoka Tano, is to understand what she means to people.” - Ashley Eckstein

This is a tribute to Ahsoka Tano, a character that went on a journey unlike any other in the Star Wars franchise. Ahsoka’s Fate is intertwined with that of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and both are truly tragic - Ahsoka was unable to save Anakin from his downfall before she was even sketched by Dave Filoni for the first time or any of her dialogue was written. That was my main focus when planning out the structure of this edit.

Despite the fact that Ahsoka left the Jedi Order, I believe past the 5th season of the Clone Wars her core narrative was about being more of a jedi than other actual jedi.

There is a lot to unpack in this video and I’d welcome any discussion relating to it and the character of Ahsoka.

With all the recent scenes from Revenge of the Sith remade shot by shot in animation...

… in TCW S7, Bad Batch and more, do you think we’ll ever get a RotS Animated remake?

I think the answer is no and I’d much rather see more fresh narratives rather than rehash of the very same story but still, it is an interesting concept that A LOT of people seem to really want.

Star Wars: The Bad Batch and Revenge of the Sith Scene Mashup/Comparison: https://youtu.be/hqynj7A8EPI

Palpatine’s Bad Batch Speech with Revenge of the Sith scenes: https://youtu.be/9monm0T8QNs