Recomposited bluescreen shots are kind of a given, and stuff like the hallway extension or the CGI stand-ins in the ceremony at the end of A New Hope are perfectly fine changes. Just fixing up a few immersion-breaking Special Effects Failures? Sure, go ahead. Also the CGI spaceship shots still blend in pretty nicely with the old footage and I can’t say I really mind those. New establishing shots of Ben’s hut or Mos Eisley (by which I mean the shot of Luke and Ben looking down on the port from a distance, all the added establishing shots IN the spaceport can go die in a fire) are also perfectly fine with me.
Empire I honestly feel is mostly devoid of particularly offensive changes. The worst I can think of is the pointless added dialogue in the Emperor scene indicating that Vader had no idea that Luke SKYWALKER was his son…
For Jedi… I much prefer the 97 version of the ending scene. Other than the previously mentioned recomposited shots, I honestly can’t think of anything else that was made better in this one. It is by far the one that’s suffered the most from unnecessary and detrimental revisions.
IsanRido said:
But he looks nothing like the Return version. Its inclusion implies he looked for 20 years like he did in Revenge then changed completely in 3 years.
This is true… but then the original Emperor in that shot was an old woman with the eyes of a chimpanzee, dubbed over by someone who didn’t sound even remotely like Ian McDiarmid. The change could certainly have been executed better, but I think I prefer the new version to the old here (minus the afforementioned stupid dialogue change).