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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I have finally watched this after so long and, wow, not only I can now tolerate TROS given the theatrical cut killed my care for the franchise but it also made me look forward to show it to my family! They haven’t watched Star Wars and I’ll show them the Nobody cut because that’s what is honestly canon to me. I really enjoyed the changes and it’s amazing how a few edits here and there can make or break a film. The new purple lightsaber is great and that final duel with the Force Ghosts is just wonderful. I have also noticed an Italian audio track has actually been added and I’m surprised it wasn’t present in the file from the drive folder, does this mean that version is actually V2 or something? TLJ Is also completely missing from that so have the links all been updated? Can I get a new DM then?

Harry Potter: Ender's Cut (Released)

Good to know it hasn’t been given up on. I’d guess it would be better to “remaster” Version 1 as close as possible to the original edits, for people who don’t care about the plot changes, and then focus on Version 2, which is an even more interesting and ambitious project but also quite possible given there was an old edit that completely removed Harry from the movies.