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<em><strong>The &quot;9000&quot; Saga Edit</strong></em> (outdated thread)
Hal 9000 said:I'm torn as to whether or not I should make this alteration to ROTS. I wanted to collect others' opinions before proceeding.

I am already removing Yoda's tearful farewell to Chewbacca and Tarrful. What I am considering is removing the Wookee battle sequence that follows the council meeting.
Because I am adding the three deleted scenes about the rebellion, I can replace the battle scene with one of these scenes.

The Wookee stuff isn't even in the novel, it just has Yoda go there.
The novel has the scene I'd insert in the same place I'd insert it.
The Wookee battle was bad CGI and cheesy.
I'm already deleting the later Wookee scene where Yoda leaves.

We don't get to see the Wookees in a battle.

What do you all think? I can go either way, and want to know how this change would be received. Thanks for your input.


This is wise I can't even comment. However a Middle Groud could be reached with the Wookie scenese. LOL

Clone Wars 2008 Redux - working title - CANCELLED

Isn't this whole film detro-cannocail? I pray it's not cannoical


Never scene CLONE WARS film... lord willing...i'll only watch your edit.  I can't stand bad CGI characters.  i don't know the whole movie sounded so terrible!


(I was Thinking about doing something similiar to the Cartoon Network Series and intergrating it into the series.  Just thinking about it)


I actually thought that was what you were doing but if you can get this *film* to work more power to you.