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Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) - Restored & Regraded [Theatrical & Special Edition] (Released)

Could you please send me a link to this restoration? Because in light of the recent controversies surrounding many of James Cameron’s movies, before the 2000’s, where Jim opts to remove any traces of film grain, color, tone, or anything resembling the appearance of a classic movie shot on 35mm film, which includes this film, Aliens, True Lies, etc., this would make for a great compliment to the DVD I have of T2. Being the Extreme DVD. So that way, I’ll have 2 forms of TERMINATOR 2. 1 on the DVD where, alongside VHS and Laserdiscs of T2, it manages to stick with its filmic appearance, due to the limitations of the Pre-High-Definition technologies, like VHS and DVD. Another form for T2, that looks far superior to any of the Blu-Ray versions. Especially after 2017, following the 3D re-release. And the best part is, both of those forms of T2, will come with the slightly superior Special Edition version. Which expands the story.

Terminator 2 Judgment Day (1991). Regraded + Partially DeRemastered + Regrained (Released)

Could you please send me a link to this restoration? Because in light of how the controversies surrounding many of James Cameron’s movies, before the 2000’s, where Jim opts to remove any traces of film grain, color, tone, or anything resembling the appearance of a classic movie shot on 35mm film, which includes this film, Aliens, True Lies, etc., this would make for a great compliment to the DVD I have of T2. Being the Extreme DVD. So that way, I’ll have 2 forms of TERMINATOR 2. 1 on the DVD where, alongside VHS and Laserdiscs of T2, it manages to stick with its filmic appearance, due to the limitations of the Pre-High-Definition technologies, like VHS and DVD. Another form for T2, that looks far superior to any of the Blu-Ray versions. Especially after 2017, following the 3D re-release. And the best part is, both of those forms of T2, will come with the slightly superior Special Edition version. Which expands the story.