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ROTJ is the best Star Wars film... discuss!

Ryan McAvoy said:

Katarnan said:

ROTJ has that horrible music sequence which drives me nuts. It’s a foreshadowing of the cringe-worthy moments in the prequels, me thinks.

I disagree that any scene in ROTJ is “horrible” but which music sequence are you talking about? I can think of a few.

Katarnan said:

that scene with Luke and Leia… it’s very close to the ‘I don’t like sand’

I made that meme specially LOL

suspiciouscoffee said:

this part scared the crap out of me when I was… 4 maybe? I can’t remember how old I was.

Yeah the droid torture is part of what makes Jabba’s palace such a scary place. You keep hearing people saying Droids feeling pain is nonsensical but it’s established in the other movies that they feel pain and pleasure. Star Wars ain’t hard sci-fi and never was.

Ok, point taken about the Luke and Leia scene…they’re not even the same sport.

But the horrible music scene that I was talking about is the one in Jabba’s Palace. I mean some say that it’s the special edition version that’s horrible but I went back to the original and they’re both very cringe-worthy…


I mean, this is just my opinion but I’m a musician and one of the reasons I love Star Wars more than anything is because it’s set in a different Galaxy and not having anything ‘Earth-like’ is very important to me. Of course, somethings are universal, the theme of family, the theme of good vs. evil but the music sounds like it’s taken straight out of a NYC lounge of the time. I hate the fact that it sounds totally like Earth funk-pop music. in ANH, John Williams did such a great job with the Cantina band song, it was influenced by many earth folk styles but blended together in such a way that it sounds ‘alien’. It’s awesome! Compare that to this piece and I just shake my head and try to forget about it.

I guess it’s not about the whole scene, not even the special effects, just the music itself. (including the singer)

What if Disney decided to remake the OT?

Lord Haseo said:

I’m sure Rian Johnson has something to say about that. I hope that not only does he get the source material but he evolves certain things that have been established. That’s why I’m hoping “Jedi” in “The Last Jedi” is plural.

I really hope you’re right…although I think Disney took the ‘going back to the source material’ a little too far with Rebels at least. So they went back to the original concept art and that’s why the lightsabers are so thin? I mean come on, those things were changed and they were changed for a reason. Same like the first draft of ANH, several things were discarded for a reason

ROTJ is the best Star Wars film... discuss!

I mean, if you ask me, all you have to do is look at the lines of Yoda in ESB and that alone says to me that it’s the best of all of them. There’s real-life actual wisdom to be found in ESB. Even in ANH. That’s why I agree with the numbers…except for how Clone Wars is rated. It should be higher as it’s way better than Rebels, it should at least be in the ballpark of the prequels. It’s not cringe-free but what the hell…

Also, ROTJ has that horrible music sequence which drives me nuts. It’s a foreshadowing of the cringe-worthy moments in the prequels, me thinks. Also that scene with Luke and Leia, cheesy dialogue, sold well by the actors but still…it’s very close to the ‘I don’t like sand’ kinds of scenes…

Rogue One * <em>Spoilers</em> * Thread

IsanRido said:

I hope, with Edwards in the helm, this will be a tasteful and subdued entry in the franchise. Hopefully, though, the characters will not be as uninteresting as in his Godzilla.

Tasteful and subdued: yes!
uninteresting characters: yes!

Sloppy writing, wanky storytelling and bad acting for the most part. It was an ok film but it could’ve been sooo much better. It’s still better than TFA…

What happened to the Myth?

MalàStrana said:

The Saga needs Gary Kurtz. Or someone with the same understanding of those things.

Exactly right! Gary Kurt and Lucas together were the best (ANH and ESB).

Lucas kept it alive though he kind of got lost admittedly. Problem is, Disney (including Kathleen Kennedy and Jar Jar Abrams) have no understanding of the mythology and the meaning behind Star Wars. They think it’s all just fun fiction, well it’s not! Lucasfilm needs someone who understands Star Wars, otherwise the whole franchise will become like the many rip-offs of Star Wars have: Meaningless BS.

Are the Prequels Even Worth Watching Once?

I’d say yes, watch them. In order to really understand what’s going on in Star Wars and where the Jedi screwed up, we need to see how lazy and comfortable they got in the prequels. Not only that but there are some other messages in there that are worth looking out for. E.g. in Revenge of the Sith when Palpatine gets elected chancellor and declares martial law (I forgot how it goes in the movie) and suspends congress, Padme says: “So that’s how democracy dies with thunderous applause”. There’s a lot more to that than just a quirky line.

The best order to watch them in was suggested by someone on YT, they said 4, 5, (1,) 2, 3 and 6. 1 being optional after ESB. My 2 cents

The Phantom Star Wars Fan

Interesting notes and thanks for sharing.

I do consider myself a fan of Star Wars but not in the way people generally think. I love what Star Wars was in the beginning and what it was supposed to be. I think ANH and ESB are the best movies of all of them and that Gary Kurtz dropping out and Lucas taking a more toy-selling, business-oriented approach subsequently has really hurt his work and the SWU as a whole. The prequels were …eh. They were ok but so many things have gone wrong in them. The prophecy of the chosen one, medichlorians and last but not least Jar Jar. Skewing what the force is and the Jedi are is what hurt me the most though. Because as crazy as this sounds, I believe in the Force. I do think it’s based on a real thing and that, even if it’s different in real life, it does exist.

The Chinese call it Chi, a Japanese subculture calls it Ki, it is there and it does surround every living thing, including the trees and rocks. Of course we can’t use it in any way portrayed in the movies but we can use it to some extent, intuition, feeling when someone is staring at us without us actually seeing, etc etc. ‘Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter’ is what I believe in. I believe in the spirit, in the soul and that the bodies and even identities we have are just a vessel to learn simple karmic lessons. And that knowledge is the most important thing to gain in life, knowledge of as many things as possible. In order to evolve, to advance, to even approach enlightenment, we simply cannot discard the force. Call it the Universe or nature itself or the Divine Cosmic Mind but the Force is real. And it’s up to us to choose whether we ignore it and become selfish beings on the path to the dark side or if we actually heed its calling and work towards bettering ourselves and helping others.

May The Force Be With Us All

What if Disney decided to remake the OT?

Hope that will never happen…if it does, like Porkins suggested, it will be a ridiculous shame. No one can replace Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher or Mark Hamill. Most of all, nobody and I mean NOBODY has the understanding that the Lucas/Gary Kurtz duo had in Disney. Kathleen Kennedy is as shallow in her replies about Star Wars as JJ Abrams. They just don’t get it.