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Star Wars Prequels 35mm 4K Filmized Editions by Emanswfan (a WIP)

I've taken a look at a lot of these examples and they're fascinating. Admittedly I did not look through each page - any video clips of finished scenes like this? I'd be particularly interested in the Naboo one from AotC that you said would look fantastic years back. The grain looks absolutely amazing. Grading is good and reminds me of that sort of almost oddly tinted look TPM had. I appreciated that look and its being on film/color is probably the main reason the CG looks somehow better than AotC, unless ILM just gave up with that one. I hope your hybrid look comes out nicely, as I feel many of the old changes while nice de-saturated or removed some character from certain settings and you seem to have made many revisions. 

I have been working on edits for a while now with RotJ and RotS having the furthest progress. Your work ethic with this is amazing - while I'm doing some color correction with RotS, I could never go to these kinds of lengths to give it a "filmized" look as the edit is self-contained, not merged with any other prequel, and unlike AotC with its horrible DNR the picture is great. Since I plan to merge TPM with AotC if I use any of it at all, something like what you're doing here will be absolutely necessary. I still don't know how a brand new transfer of TPM yielded a picture just slightly less blurry than AotC when it probably should have looked the best of them all, (the entire blu-ray set and the disparity between picture quality is confusing) but it nevertheless is distinctly film.

Help Wanted: Possibly starting brand new, HD edits of the prequels from blu-ray sources, need a bit of input here.

towne32 said:

Jonse said:

Salutations, all. This is an update.

So, I didn't reply way back when because I have nothing to say to the not so helpful anymore poster above me. Wonder what his problem was...

 He comes off as harsh but he generally has a point that he's making.

It's true that you mentioned that it was specifically the ones you've come across. But Frink (a moderator at Fanedits) is familiar with the many, many, many fanedits of the prequels, as are plenty of other people.

While it's great and ambitious to start your own project, if one of the driving forces that's compelling you to do this is the fact that you have seen few to no HD edits, it means you are perhaps behind in what has been accomplished with these films. There's a wealth of great ideas in those more recent edits. Some ideas and techniques you could perhaps use, or maybe something that fits your own tastes enough to watch as a go-to. I would certainly recommend checking out Hal9000's, l8wrtr's, and Q2's prequel trilogies.

I haven't read all of your other details/goals yet. But as far as yubnub goes, it seems people are pretty split on preference. KK650 actually releases his edits in both forms for Jedi. Though, I imagine it's a relatively small group of people interested in OT fanedits compared to the prequels anyway. 

No, what is driving me is not that there is a serious lack of HD edits. I did mention what resolution I was aiming for and how it was important to me, but I didn't mean to imply that was the point of it all and have also pretty much settled on not using any upscaled footage. If it's anything technical, it's sound that bothers me more. Everyone that has watched their fair share of fan edits knows how important sound is and that it can make or break a cut that might be essential. I'm a sound engineer in trade and that element of it made me more focused in doing this. Once I became serious about it though, I had thought of HD edits equally consistent that utilized a single source, unlike those I had watched that utilize a combination of sources at different resolutions to varying degrees of success. So it was just something I happened to mention because at the time, I had not seen many 1080p fan edits. My favorite edits were those that were only 480p with a sub-DVD level bitrate, as these allowed getting away with inserting deleted scenes or using different sources a little easier. It was just a comment, that's all. What I had experienced, not the argument that they didn't exist or something because I would have no way of knowing that.

I will certainly try to check out those edits and take into account what you said about the community's feelings with Jedi. I think his decision to release two different versions for this specific matter is very neat and probably makes sense to most people. With myself, I would only want one, something that feels definitive, something I can tinker with for a long, long time until I can say yes to the question "have I made anything good enough to even warrant releasing?" Knowing that no edit will ever be "the one, final fan edit", I want to at least make the one that appeals to myself and those friends and fans I know personally.

Anyways, thanks. I also of course meant no disrespect towards Frink, but I didn't see someone coming off harsh. He took one piece of my OP describing a subjective experience and used it to link me all these edits. I tell him that wasn't the point and I get that response. He came off rude, and if the point was had I seen some of these edits (I have now seen several) I wouldn't be asking for suggestions, then I'm sorry I hadn't so very easily obtained them before signing up. I had to register before I could send any PMs, obviously. 

Help Wanted: Possibly starting brand new, HD edits of the prequels from blu-ray sources, need a bit of input here.

Salutations, all. This is an update.

So, I didn't reply way back when because I have nothing to say to the not so helpful anymore poster above me. Wonder what his problem was...

Anyways, these have slowly but surely been coming along very well, however I've decided to actually do all the films and not just prequel edits. The OT edits have still taken a long time and RotJ is mostly finished. This is pretty much what has been changed. I need to note that these edits are not an attempt to recreate the original theatrical versions but instead to create what the special editions could have been:

*Additional color correction with some scenes
*Cut a few scenes for time (almost all Endor bits)
*Cleaned up the sound mix a little bit
*The scene with the "big door" to Jabba's palace has been truncated
*Jabba's CGI bullshit band is gone (the Dug is still there but is more in the shadows now)
*Ewoks no longer have a CGI blink
*Less Ewok shenanigans in general, cutting the time down slightly and making them seem a little more vicious only when angry
*No dead Ewok - this has always been stupid, what's the point in acknowledging a casualty if the total count is a joke of "1" against Imperial forces? 
*Chewie's Tarzan yell is modified and mashed up with a normal vocalization 
*Little more tension and a very small adjustment to Vader's slightly more conflicted tone of voice during the "I know there is good in you" scene, only sound edits
*Once again, Vader does not say a word when his son is being shocked
*Cut down the "celebration" montage back to what it was in the Special Edition, might just cut it entirely (Jedi Temple is gone as I have no idea how it would still be standing)
*Shaw replaces Christensen (however, the eye color/eyebrow change has not been reverted, though it has been modified to be more accurate)
*"Victory Celebration" has received a subtle, additional percussion track made out of percussion samples taken from Yub Nub so that the shots of Ewoks banging on helmets and whatnot feels more in place

This is almost all done. The key thing that I wanted to ask the community was whether or not I should use the "Victory Celebration" song or the Yub Nub song that we all grew up with. It personally doesn't annoy me whatsoever, but the other piece of music is nice and possibly more fitting. Let me know what you think is better.

As for the prequels, I have mostly only changed Revenge of the Sith so far since it needs a far more minimal amount of editing:

*Super battle droids do not speak and R2 does not have his antics
*Little more tension in the Dooku execution by a little speed adjustment/sound editing that took forever but came out great
*Some scenes cut for time
*Kashyyyk scene has also been made a little more tense, mainly because it's so short, and doesn't end with Yoda being shot at
*Various dialogue cut (however, popularly cut bits like "Only a Sith deals in absolutes" have been left in to strengthen Obi-Wan's ultimately reckless, hypocritical character, as well as Palpatine's mention of midichlorians, now left vague and unexplained in the film, unlike the botched explanation in TPM which was misunderstood in ten different ways by everyone due to its writing - if I can however make a perfect cut of "influence the force to create life" then I will do that, but this has proven to be extremely difficult without screwing up the scene and Ian's greatness)
*Speaking of which, Ian's dialogue has been cut down of a couple cheesy lines since they're a complete waste of talent
*The loss of form within the Jedi order is established a little more prominently and a little less stupidly
*Vader's "NOOOO" has been replaced with a processed yell by JEJ that I cannot possibly describe and while it sounds far more appropriate, I might just make him totally silent like most edits or just go with the oft used "after the mask descends and he takes a breath" cliche, cut to Binary Sunset

I am unsure as how to tackle TPM and AOTC. One big thing that stands in the way is the image. Not only is AOTC digital, the blu-ray looks like shit. I've tried sharpening it, changing the color and adding some fake film grain like effects, but nothing seems to look right. 

So, does anyone know any sort of solution for this? I do intend to cut the two together and TPM is currently looking 10x better than AOTC. If I don't do this and simply cut each one down, they both run about 40 minutes each and make absolutely no sense whatsoever. It's a shame if I can't try to form AOTC into something coherent without all the stupidity because I think machete order is a good idea. I just can't sit through AOTC as is without wanting to vomit.

Unless I can come up with a solution, I'm considering possibly abandoning both TPM and AOTC, changing the title crawl of ROTS to mention briefly Anakin's past and how the 'war' came to be.

Again, thoughts/recommendations/advice/constructive criticism would be helpful. Thank you!

Help Wanted: Possibly starting brand new, HD edits of the prequels from blu-ray sources, need a bit of input here.

Possessed said:

EPI might have the most flaws, but I think it's also the most salvageable.  Sure Jar Jar can be annoying and the pod race is too long and the announcers are annoying, but those can all be trimmed out.  Phantom Menace also has the best acting of any of the prequels (IMO), has much more heart and the most "worth saving" moments out of any of them.  Also it feels more like a star wars film.  It legitimately doesn't feel like a video game cutscene.  And it's the last sw film to use actual models for ships, and it shows.

 I agree about the acting (well, I'd say it's about on par with ROTS when I consider the queen's lines) and there are a lot of parts in TPM I would like to use.

It had a lot of potential. Something I admire about it is the fact that not only was it shot on actual film, but doing that made the CGI appear far more realistic compared to AOTC (with the exception of the Gungan/Droid battle). I don't know if it's the grain or what, but even though it's digital, when it was transferred to film and then back it came out looking much better.

It also has the least CGI shit out of the prequels by miles, which is something I really appreciate. Effects wise it's how they all should have been made - just with better direction so that completely computer generated scenes weren't ever a thing planned. In all of the scenes trying to convey something traditional, there's mostly traditional effects/buildings/environments and it shows. It was putting digital stuff into a real world, as opposed to AOTC and ROTS which was the other way around. 

The only film I feel is like a video game cutscene is AOTC - though the same could be said about ROTS, it's just far better in its look. If there's a CG Jedi Temple interior shot, it looks like a building and not like something out of Toy Story. Though I understand and agree, and it feels the closest to the OT out of the prequels.

The main issue can actually just be summed up with what Lucas said "I may have gone too far". I want to make something that flows and tells a story efficiently, and there are parts of TPM that can't be removed because of this without it losing meaning.

fgqb#19nyj said:

I think Episode I can be improved upon through the rewording of the crawl, new voice over dialogue for both the Neimoidians and Gungans (so they sound less comical), and snips and tweaks that enhance the actor's performances and action sequences. 

The hardest thing would be the voiceovers. I have yet to see someone do it in a professional way. I also think that if there were a lot more dialogue scenes that we're zoomed in (so there aren't that many silly cgi background distractions) it would improve a lot more of the performances, too.

In my opinion, butchering the story down to a hour long film is a waste of time and not worth watching. One only needs to do is make a point that the films do connect together, by making it known that the Clone Wars will start here with the acquisition of Naboo. The crawl should mention why this is — by being the sole place in the galaxy to contain a rare element that emanates a powerful energy that can be used in accelerated cloning, the Sith require it to begin their war against the Republic. Rewording the crawl to state the importance of Naboo is the first thing that should be done, so we the viewer know why the Federation wants it so badly. 

Well, in any case, the mention of Naboo's rich plasma resources should be mentioned in the crawl, because it will also explain what that power facility that they fight in really is. ;)

Well the crawl would most definitely be re-worded considering two films are being mixed. While I don't despise it as much as most people, Episode I's crawl definitely did very little other than establish the very beginning of the film and specific details that would only come into play in the beginning of the third act of the film.

On the idea of dubbing over the Neimoidians and Gungans - I actually was inspired to make this edit because of one in particular I saw that did just this. I forget what it was called but both were subtitled and they spoke Spanish or something, reversed. Jar Jar was made into a cocky character and says stuff like "Go, you little bastard!" when Anakin is podracing. It was a very good idea, but it suffered so much from what I mentioned in my OP regarding the sound. It was very rough, and I want to avoid that. I thought of many ways to dub them and what I would have them say, but it almost seems like "why bother?" once I get past a certain point thinking about it. They would be re-dubbed though if parts of the story involving them are retained. 

Anyways, thanks.

Help Wanted: Possibly starting brand new, HD edits of the prequels from blu-ray sources, need a bit of input here.

TV's Frink said:

Jonse said:

So, most edits I tend to find are typically sub-HD 

















 All of that is of no help to me. I said most edits I tend to find are not HD. Just because HD edits have been made doesn't mean there is a torrent available for them all. Those that do have one, if there's enough seeders, I tend to watch. Though like everyone it seems that some people are content with an edit and others find things unnecessary or off. The whole reason I wanted to create my own was because of that, among other things and an HD version being available.

I know I posted a long time ago. I have to announce that I did in fact get started with this edit. I'll post more when I have something to show, which could take some time because I don't want there to be any roughness around the edges.

Help Wanted: Possibly starting brand new, HD edits of the prequels from blu-ray sources, need a bit of input here.

Long time lurker, new poster here. Hello!

So, most edits I tend to find are typically sub-HD and often sub-DVD quality, and while I definitely admire all of the hard work put into these edits, it makes them difficult to watch. Besides just the resolution it’s also the bitrate. This is understandable because a lot of the widely available edits are pretty old.

So, I have a bunch of free time on my hands. I’m currently employed where I can work at home and have been wanting to do a fan edit ever since I was 16, but my skills with Premiere and Vegas were not where they are now. I also was worried about sound. I myself am a freelance audio engineer (occupation wise, also a musician but that’s not my job) and now have the experience to make an edit that is all around consistent, since cuts are really rough usually are the fault of the soundtrack.

So, I have an outline for an edit idea and perhaps you guys could suggest some things, as I haven’t fully fleshed it out yet. My planned edit is largely inspired by Topher Grace’s edit, however I will only be combining episodes I and II. With III, the changes I have to make are pretty minimal, as the CG is far better, the source is better and overall the film is not as plagued. Mainly that would involve removing scenes such as unnecessary “romance” dialogue between Anakin and Padme, changing the pacing a bit to make it flow better, truncating or trimming certain dialogue and scenes (i.e. removal of “get help, he’s a sith lord”, “NOOOOOOOOOO”, trimming “only a sith deals in absolutes” to just “I will do what I must”…same goes for the other films with things like “I don’t like sand”, etc.) and finally re-inserting some things I felt were inappropriately removed from the film, such as the meeting (at least the latter half) where Padme, Organa and co. discuss the beginning of the Rebellion.

But this is more about episodes I and II. I’d like to combine them (properly), resulting in a total of five films and the removal of a bunch of filler. I’d like to re-insert scenes like the one where Padme talks about that species that died while she and Anakin are in her bedroom on Naboo, but I don’t believe or know if that exists in HD. Some things I might have to upscale so likely I’m going for a solid, 720p image - high bitrate, compressed properly to an MKV. If I end up not using upscaled footage often, then it’ll likely be 1080p.

So with TPM I have a rough idea how I’m going to order it. Topher’s edit presumably begins with the duel on Theed, however I was probably going to bump it back to Tatooine and start it around there, removing some Lloyd-isms and making Anakin a functional character as opposed to annoying. Was also likely going to edit the destruction of the Trade Federation ship so that Anakin is never shown to be flying the starfighter, and finally I planned on removing the big CG battle between the gungans and droids entirely (though if that goes, the space part might as well). Finally, I would be re-organizing it so that the “ending multiplication effect” doesn’t occur and these events occur with minimal cuts back and forth and moreso in a sequence. The ending would likely be the funeral, and the fire would fade into the beginning of AOTC, with some sort of “x years later” caption, or the actual date BBY.

With Attack of The Clones though, I’m not sure how exactly to order it. I’ve always seen the movie to be fine from the start up until the point where Obi-Wan finds the toxic dart: then it all just goes down hill. The ending is something that might be necessary, but it looks horrible. I’d have to modify the appearance heavily to make it look realistic. It’s a similar situation with Kamino - I’d like to include it so that I could include Fett, but it looks really fake. I definitely would like to include Tatooine because past the beginning, I’ve always seen this as the most redeemable part of the film, however because of the changes I’d like to make I have no idea how exactly to get us there while still covering Obi-Wan’s point of view so it all fits when they appear later on Geonosis. Cutting the assembly line sequence, cutting 3PO being an idiot (and possibly the whole arena sequence to begin with, though I’m not sure), and possibly cutting the Yoda and Dooku lightsaber fight, having him put Obi-wan and Anakin’s lives in danger during the force sequence so as to save Yoda with a lightsaber for episode III, where I think it truly would have had a greater impact and fit better - a situation of desperation, a need to destroy Palpatine, not the beginning of a war because as Yoda has stated, wars do not make one great. An attempt I might make that would require a lot of work would be to remove young Boba Fett and have Jango referred to as just “Fett”, as to imply this is just a younger Boba with different colored armor and whatnot considering the age of his actor in the OT and the time lapse not being too great. If I end up doing that, he will no longer fly off into the arena (again, if that’s included) but instead retreat from the arena. Either that or simply have the young Boba Fett implied, or simply have very few speaking lines, likely just “Dad, Taun We is here” and his laugh in Slave I after “well, we won’t be seeing him again”. Though his actor was far less annoying than Jake Lloyd, I find lines like “what is it, Dad?” to be inappropriate for Boba - he’s better than that, he would know something’s up without having to say something before being told to pack his things.

Though I’m not sure of anything just yet. What I would like to ask is for a little bit of help regarding Attack of The Clones - how should I sequence it? What’s a typical sequence and what do you guys prefer the most? What scenes do you/don’t you like? This would help me to infer a proper pattern that would appeal to most people. Input would be appreciated, thanks.

If episode II ends up just not being salvageable at all, then at any rate I will still be doing an edit of episode III for pacing, dialogue and whatnot in HD.