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Mango said:

I heard about that too. It’s kinda funny since I remember getting a comment on the trailer I did on youtube saying something along the lines of “The digital files can just be re-rendered at any resolution”. Looks like thats not the case.

Apparently the original files are just gone, apparently they had digital backups of all their movies and their backups failed. Pixar also keep their original digital files for the first two Toy Story films and just re-rendered the film at 2K / 1080p for Blu-Ray which was a smart move IMO.

Jonathan Gibbs says “Shrek was rendered on SGI IRIX systems. It was mostly in-house software and the code still exists. Technically possible to rebuild and re-render but you’d need experts in how it all worked back then and a lot of time.” and that there wasn’t even a proper Digital Intermediate for Shrek. But after they moved to 12-bit JPEG at 4:4:4, Megamind used OpenEXR etc.


LHUX said:

we haven’t replied for 5 days?
i was worried.
i just posted my discord film community server for 35mm
then silence.

Cause for starters you’re getting on everyone’s nerves, you don’t listen, you complain if something doesn’t go your way, you’re very impatient, and I can probably speak for everybody on this thread, nobody likes you pestering Mango to finish this project, sorry but that’s the truth.


LHUX said:

today is April 22nd 2021.
exactly 20 years since shrek met its debut.
and no 35mm.
we failed the mission all thanks to the global pandemic.
now what do we have to do?

As Brian May says in Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) “Do you mind pissing off?”, like I have stated previously and obviously, you did not listen and I quote:

“Do you not know that we’re are in a global pandemic?”
“I think Mango wants to be safe due to Covid which is understandable”
“Maybe stop trying to rush him to finish this?”
“Mango wants to stay safe and the shipping to scan it will be delayed?”

“Shrek has to be sent to a scanner before it can be scanned, and the last thing I’d want is for there to be any issue with shipping it due to the pandemic. Just relax. It will happen eventually.”

Like dude please stop, it’s getting very annoying and yet you have the audacity to come here and be like “there’s no 35mm.” Like I also said before, why don’t you get a print yourself and scan it because you aren’t satisfired that it is completed yet. As you know, scanning takes a long time and it is also a long process to clean it up and stuff, it’s also pricey. Plus you cannot rush art. So really you should take a chill pill, and relax because it will happen eventually


LHUX said:

Mango said:

JonathanArthur19 said:

There is a 4K Blu-Ray of Shrek coming out soon anyways, plus I think Mango wants to be safe due to Covid which is understandable, so maybe stop trying to rush him to finish this?


seriously? its Shrek’s 20th Birthday
we need that scan by now

Dude Do you not know how stupid you sound, do you not know that we’re are in a global pandemic?? Don’t you know that Mango wants to stay safe and the shipping to scan it will be delayed? Dude you stop being like “We need that scan by now” and “You should scan it by now” Well, why don’t you find a print online, buy it and scan it yourself if you want it that bad.

Star Wars Prequels 35mm 4K Filmized Editions by Emanswfan (a WIP)

Emanswfan maybe cap the bitrate for 1080p HEVC at say maybe 10mbps or so, like Act On Instinct said, “on the high end would still keep most of the important detail intact even though it isn’t lossless, about a quarter size.” and he is right, and if you also encode with HEVC it will keep the important details while making the file size smaller but still retains the high quality video source

Toy Story (1995) 1.5K restoration in 3D (a WIP; v1.0.3 currently available)

v1.0.2 looks pretty good, I don’t own the 4K Blu-Ray Discs myself but the colors look a lot better and it looks better without that blur filter over it, overall, it’s a major improvement over v1.0.1

EDIT: There is some banding artifacts throughout the presentation sometimes but, other than that it’s a really good improvement, but I assume the banding artifacts are from the editor itself, or the sources possibly

4K restoration on Star Wars

Imagine this, if before they altered everything, they restored the O-Neg and printed it on newer film stock to preserve the original versions for future years and they just, have never told us anything about it and they put the it into the Twentieth Century Fox Film Vaults and hid it from the world for years, then they go and create the Special Editions. Then they’d go on in 2006 and give us a Laserdisc Master with the original crawl spliced on, which is another thing, was it from the new Original Version Preservation O-Neg that they (possibly) created?

And another thing that has me thinking, did they really restore the original versions, then printed it on new film stock? Just to A) preserve it for future generations. or B) they plan on releasing these versions when George is dead. But then just went and made the Special Editions, and what I think, it’s (possibly) some sort of a coverup story to hide the fact that, the original versions are restored and could be released. Then they went onto say that they printed over the O-Neg “When these were completed, they apparently were printed onto film and re-cut into the negative, replacing the original negs, which were undoubtedly put back into storage.” - The Secret History of Star Wars, 11/03/09

But could this be a coverup and the “Original” (I use that term loosely due to the fact where my theory is that they restored the Unaltered Versions and reprinted them on newer film stock) Negative, which could still be in the vaults and they’ve kept it under wraps because George acts like a big baby when someone questions the original versions.

Toy Story (1995) 1.5K restoration in 3D (a WIP; v1.0.3 currently available)

That’s a cool technique for the look, I wonder how it would look without the Gaussian Blur applied to the footage, other than that it’s awesome. But for the next version I’d tone down the colors so they don’t look too saturated and overblown, like maybe tone down the red because that’s what the hue looked in my eyes!

The Force Awakens: 1.78:1 scenes in 2D? - with recreation of IMAX scene (Released)

I stated and I quote “I don’t think I’m allowed to share it with you.” Because the forum I am in has strict rules and regulations on sharing links to random people, especially you, where in this case just kept a eye on this one thread with no other posts in other topics, sorry to burst your bubble bud. Plus I find it more suspicious that you joined on May 7th, 2017 and no posts in topics up until this point, and no PFP (Profile Picture). Hate to sound rude, and I don’t mean to be, I’m just following the rules on now sharing links outside the forum that I’m on.