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Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

satanika said:

Jonatello said:

Wexter said:

Jonatello said:

hmm...i just get a "No such file or directory" message

Then you probably have the file path wrong. Double check, remember to put the path between quotes if it contains spaces or simply cd to the actual directory to make it a bit simpler.


hmm, ok the quotes seemed to work (thanks), but now i get this:


wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,

       missing codepage or helper program, or other error

       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try

       dmesg | tail  or so


i'm sorry for hi-jacking the thread with this stuff


Does your OS support the UDF 2.50 filesystem? You will probably need that.

not sure, i'll look into that

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Wexter said:

Jonatello said:

hmm...i just get a "No such file or directory" message

Then you probably have the file path wrong. Double check, remember to put the path between quotes if it contains spaces or simply cd to the actual directory to make it a bit simpler.


hmm, ok the quotes seemed to work (thanks), but now i get this:

wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,

       missing codepage or helper program, or other error

       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try

       dmesg | tail  or so


i'm sorry for hi-jacking the thread with this stuff

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Wexter said:

Jonatello said:

Has anybody successfully made use of this ROTJ AVCHD.ISO file in Ubuntu or linux of some kind?

Every iso mounting program I've tried so far either doesn't agree with the file or shows nothing inside. 

The file is 7.9 GB so I'm pretty sure its ready to go. 

Just can't seem to make any use of it (mind you, I'm not even trying to burn it to a disc, just would be happy playing it on the computer at least for now)

This always works for me:


hmm...i just get a "No such file or directory" message

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Has anybody successfully made use of this ROTJ AVCHD.ISO file in Ubuntu or linux of some kind?

Every iso mounting program I've tried so far either doesn't agree with the file or shows nothing inside. 

The file is 7.9 GB so I'm pretty sure its ready to go. 

Just can't seem to make any use of it (mind you, I'm not even trying to burn it to a disc, just would be happy playing it on the computer at least for now)

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

are the download links still working for people? 

i'm really excited to watch this (as well as the other 2, but especially ROTJ)

but i keep getting the "The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."  message from megaupload every time i try. 

has anyone uploaded the actual movies to a filesharing site a la megaupload or rapidshare?

what's my best shot at seeing these?

Revenge Of The Cut - Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith (* unfinished project *)

The Aluminum Falcon said:

I actually think Jonatello is onto something. "It" would affirm Ben's statement in ROTJ of Vader being more machine than man. It could also help to explain why Obi Wan did not hesitate in confronting Vader on the Death Star; he thought there was no one left to save, just a sort of reanimated carcass. To the audience as well, Vader seems completely distant and the last of sympathy, the human connection, has left him.

Yeah, the dominant impression of Darth Vader is meant to be that of a mechanical monster, not a human being. This is the reason for the helmet. It's why he is presented as a sinister robotic looking mask instead of a face. Its why he's made of blinking lights and wires among other things. Obviously, in the plot, there's practical reasons...but the practical reasons are there to serve the more important artistic reason.

And generally, this is how the audience came to view him. Some people even called him a robot. It's part of whats so shocking about the reveal of him being Luke's father.


Vader no longer recognizes his human nature and uses that quality to distance himself from moral judgment. He serves himself now and only later in ESB when Luke shows up, do his human qualities and his capacity for "human" moral judgment resurface. "It" may not be just Padme but his entire human nature.

Exactly, exactly, exactly. This was the next thing I wanted to say and you took the words out of my mouth. The fact that Vader finally begins to get broken down and renewed as Anakin little by little ONLY when he becomes aware of his children...the fact that it's his son (his son who is probably nowhere near as powerful or gifted) who looks into this mechanical monster and determines to love him out of the empty 1-dimensional hatred of the dark side is what makes the whole thing so powerful in the end. He's a machine to most people before that point. Probably even to his daughter. 

And the time when it is most crucial to express such emotionless machinery is when it is first introduced in that chamber where he's just been reassembled.

Exit: screaming anakin, Enter: beeping slave.


In any case, maybe I am reading too much into it. The Cutter's work really is very good and uncovers much depth in the ROTS story I previously thought not possible.

EDIT: In response to Tobar's comment, Vader's unemotional and self-serving quality make him "evil." With no moral nature, he is unconnected with the force (life's representation) and what Obi-Wan would consider evil. Vader has changed into a machine which is driven only by the need to survive and better its own conditions; therefore, it cares for no one: evil.

Bingo. Vader becomes a symbol of that cold unfeeling type of evil. It's the reason for the outfit. It's what gives the redemption power. 

Revenge Of The Cut - Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith (* unfinished project *)

Tobar said:

That's the other part of your reasoning I don't understand. All through out the original trilogy Vader is a very angry dude who often lashes out in violence. That does not sound like an emotionless machine.

The only thing I can figure is you're basing this all on the line, "He's more machine now than manman." But that's not the entirety of the line, the whole this is: "He's more machine now than man, twisted and evil." Again not something that describes an emotionless robot.

right...vader, even throughout the original trilogy, has moments of emotion

but also has very cold machinelike moments

but for me, a saga like this is opera, its art. 

the moment when a man who shortly after practically turning his soul off has just had a large amount of his human body replaced with black wired-laden metal machinery in a dingy room by an evil dark lord who is programming him to serve the dark side...such a moment is less about wookipedia documentation of _(character)__'s precise total emotional capacity...it's much moreso an expression about the idea of losing one's humanity...becoming an empty shell.

the nuances of his remaining humanity will have plenty of chance to be developed and elucidated later on...but not here.

and even regular fully human non-dark-lord normal people like us are not always given to emotional response when it would seem humanly appropriate. sometimes even we can come off ultra cold. even as far as accuracy is concerned, just because vader is still technically capable of caring, he's also SOMETIMES incapable...just like us, but way worse. 

Revenge Of The Cut - Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith (* unfinished project *)

Tobar said:

You're leaving the preceding line out of the equation: "It seems in your anger you killed her." Following that up with, "It no longer has any meaning for me." Doesn't make sense or sound right. Going back to your original point, the word "it" is still a very personal word. "It" is directly addressing the situation, "that" is an impersonal brushing off of the subect.


lol see i just take it the entirely different way...the slight "offness" of it isn't wrong to me, it's just off because there's no conversational acknowledgement there. you're trying to tell this machine something and "he" responds like a computer. not that vader's a computer, but its nice to convey that level of rote response in his debut moment. "it" is as rote as it gets.

at least to me 

not trying to force my opinion, just feel unusually invested in this tiny sentence lol

Revenge Of The Cut - Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith (* unfinished project *)

Tobar said:

Yes but he's not saying "it doesn't matter." That's an entirely different sentence than "It no longer has any meaning for me." Now read these examples out loud and tell me which sounds better:

"It no longer has any meaning for me. Now I know the power of the dark side."

"That no longer has any meaning for me. Now I know the power of the da irk side."


reading it outloud, "it" makes more sense and sounds better. it sounds far more cold and chilling than "that" or "she" or anything which implies he's actually giving thought to it. "that" is far less dismissive than "it"

"she no longer has any meaning for me" sounds like some boy-girl drama...darth vader doesn't process this now. 

"that no longer has any meaning for me" still sounds considered and soft. 

"it" is the epitome of short, uninterested, mechanical. 

from a theatrical/artistic/emotional pov, the mood and atmosphere of the moment is best carried with "it"

the other options soften it and pull me out of the chill 

Revenge Of The Cut - Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith (* unfinished project *)

Hey Cutter, I just want to say how thrilled I am at the work you're doing on this! The Vader-birth scene and the addition of dialog to start the opening space battle are FANTASTIC! It makes the introduction of the two starfighters so much more poignant and makes the comradery between the two much more felt. 

A couple nights ago, I stumbled upon your Vader redo on youtube, and was in HEAVEN! This is exactly how I always imagined it to be! The sound effects when the mask is being attached are so palpable and gorgeous. The music is WAY more ideal. The whole thing is the way it should have been.

I googled your project, found this site, and after reading through this thread, would like to share some thoughts if you don't mind...



- After watching both of your dubs, I am very strongly in the camp that "it" is far better than "she".  It makes for a much colder, machine-like, chilling transformation. To really bring home the chill of a man reborn as a machine, it makes much more sense for him to be using words that refer to things rather than people.

It also makes perfect sense in English, because as a native speaker of English, I immediately took "it no longer has any meaning for me" to simply be a more Vaderish way of saying "it doesn't matter". "It" doesn't refer to Padme, it refers to the issue of Padme. This adds extra depth, because this is more like how machines think (situations, not personalities), and its also the thought process that becomes apparent whenever men like Anakin begin to lose their humanity. Anakin had become willing to slaughter innocent people because he'd already begun focusing more on the situation/issue/task than the actual people involved. It's the diabolical tunnel vision of a quintessential ruthless general.

The use of "she" goes back to Vader acknowledging and thinking about a person. Yes, later on in the saga, as Vader's character is developed throughout the OT, the deeply suppressed human side goes through a process of resurfacing, but in the epiphanal moment of a Vader being born into existence, it's critical that the cold machinery take the full spotlight. I know I'm not telling you anything you don't know (given your alread masterful treatment of the scene), just helping you reinforce this point I suppose. "She no longer has any meaning to me" just sounds too human, too Ani-like (and i used the nickname "Ani" there on purpose ;) ). 



- ok, I know I have an absolutely terrible chance at persuading you or probably anyone on this lol, but I need to express it anyway just to have it on the record among perspectives:

Believe it or not, I have always really really liked the wacky "no, no, no's", crazy faces, etc from Palp in that scene. I totally understand the dissent from so many ppl, but from the first time I saw the film to now, it has always intensified the moment because of it's wackiness. Here's the thing, it doesn't hit me as stupidly comical. It's WEIRDLY "quasi-comical" in a way that adds a ton of tension to the scene, because it feels like the whole spirit and atmosphere in the room is going haywire!

Its like a startling/unnerving "WTF" that shoots me deeper INTO the moment rather than a stupid/ridiculous "WTF" that pulls me out. Its similar to the feeling one might get when watching a person make a funny face because their brain is having a stroke. I know palp isn't technically having a stroke, but he is experiencing some kind of diabolical transformation...I'm just using an example trying to explain the intense erratic tension that can be felt through the marriage of absurdity and gravity

There! I got that off my chest lol.  show your signature

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Also, The work you've done with the Grievous-Obi battle is very nice. The sound is more basic, but definitely more dynamic and enjoyable to me.

And on a personal note: Go French! lol (I have a lot of family from France)