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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Edit (renamed The New Order) (Released)

Oh I’m glad you enjoyed it! And yeah, I totally get that, but I made that choice as it served the narrative better even if the location is different. It’s supposed to be on Exegol, and I guess I opted to go on the logic of “well, they’re both blue so that’s good enough.” I wouldn’t have done that if this was feature length, but since this takes so many editing liberties anyways, I figured it would be fine.

I appreciate the kind words on it, I hope otherwise everything felt fairly clean and seamless. I worked very much on adding music transitions, redoing sound entirely, and mixing all that for a cohesive package.

No-Palpatine Rise of Skywalker Radical Brainstorming Thread

Hi! I have thought about this too and gave it an honest try as an experiment. ROS is a film that I think is problematic beyond just Palpatine (although, that’s still a big issue.) The editing is bizarre, its narrative pinballing, undoing its own bolder decisions, etc. Because of that, I don’t think any edit that addresses any of these issues can be feature length. So I opted to try a 24 minute summary style thing that removes Palpatine, and just makes the through line the rise of Kylo’s empire after the Exegol discovery. It’s a bit weird structurally, requires a little suspension of disbelief, and is definitely REALLY simplified. But seeing as the editing style is definitely not film-like and neither is the length, that probably won’t be an issue. Consider it more like a companion piece that’s also the finale to the trilogy. Not sure if it’s good, but it was interesting experiment I thought I might share for those of the anti-Palpatine sentiment. If you’re interested, here’s a link to my post on the forum for more details that might be pertinent to know before watching: https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Star-Wars-The-Rise-of-Skywalker-Edit-Renamed-The-New-Order/id/88070#1443477

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Edit (renamed The New Order) (Released)

I did an edit of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker for fun that massively overhauled the film to be more narratively consistent with the other sequel trilogy stories. Unlike a lot of edits however, this is not feature length as my goals with this would simply cut too much and lack a sense of pacing to be coherent or watchable. Due to this, my edit subscribes to the 24-minute pseudo-summary format with a film-like structure. It’s very fast-paced as a result and also uses some montage-style editing; a choice that was very deliberate and necessary for certain character interactions.

Story wise, this is structurally similar to the original film but changes the details and certain aspects of characters. This also meant that it’s slimmer too as I was able to remove the fluff and narrative pinballing from ROS. However, the most massive difference of all: the absence of Palpatine altogether.

Also know that structurally, this is more an anthology of adventures with sprinkles of character moments and a conclusion. More like a companion piece to the other films than anything, so know that if you wonder why Rey, Finn, and Poe are just having random adventures. That’s an unfortunate byproduct of the Sith Wayfinder removal, but I didn’t want to jerk around pointlessly as much as the original film. Really the main throughliine is the rise of the Sith Empire, so that’s what I opted for instead of a Macguffin. Just wanted to set the expectation.

I’m not going to say that this is ENORMOUSLY better than the film, but I found it watchable which is helped by the very short runtime. This is not a middle finger to Disney or anything, I was just humoring an idea in my head and it was more done for fun. I even tried to keep certain respect to the original film by working within it’s parameters by only using footage and music from the original film (with a couple brief exceptions). Music was very deliberate in this edit, as it narrowed down character and situational motifs and tried to use them when appropriate (unlike the theatrical film, but that’s a whole other thing). Even if it’s not liked, I tried to make sure this project was very technically polished with proper music transitions, edits, convincing sound design, etc. So hopefully it comes off as professional as possible. Anyways, I’d love to hear what you guys think, although since it’s finished I won’t be able to make any changes. I will send a link to those interested!