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JasonN's PT FanEdits (Attack of the Federation, Twilight of the Republic, & The Black Knight Rises) (Released) ** Revised V3 Cuts In The Works

"Attack of the Federation" is the first prequel edit that I've seen, and I must say, I was very impressed. Smooth edits all around, and some really great creative decisions.


  • Darth Sidious- Amazing work on obscuring his identity!
  • Anakin- Still not a strong character, but much more tolerable. Awesome decision to have him pilot the plane at the end.
  • Boss-Nass- Thank you for removing those ridiculous ticks!
  • I thought it was a great idea to make Obi-Wan willingly choose to train Anakin himself, instead just going along with a dying man's wish.
  • Thank you for getting rid of the two-headed alien commentator, that was always stupid.


  • Jar-Jar Binks- Overall great job of reducing his character, but there were still too many "How rude" lines for me to handle.
  • The Anakin/Greedo fight- It works really well, but there is a noticeable continuity error: Watto had just told Anakin to get to work, and now he's outside fighting someone?


  • The cutting of the line "The negotiations were short". Sure it was a little corny, but I was sad to see it gone.
  • The final celebration on Naboo. I think that Palpatine's face is a much stronger final shot.


  • Get rid of that protocol droid at the beginning saying "Oh, excuse me". That always annoyed me. Very minor, but still.
  • Is it possible to just completely remove C-3P0? I always thought it was a stupid idea to have Anakin build an entire droid, just because "I'm so good at building things". I mean, I think it's stupid that he made that whole pod too, but I don't see any way around that.

Keep up the awesome work! I look forward to watching "Twilight of the Republice" and "The Black Knight Rises".