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To Live and Die in L.A. (1985): Opinions?

Look again at the ending of the film! CHANCE IS ALIVE, in the last scene of the film, from the window behind the girl, we see Chance arriving with his car. This happens after Vukovich tells the girl that she would start working for him. Following the sequence sees the girl first, then some flashbacks of the night just passed with Chance, then the girl smiles and behind her, out the window, you can see the Chance car coming with him driving with his sunglasses. It is understood that Chance, before organizing the meeting with Master, thanks to the help of Cody, organizes the fake shooting together with the Master’s bodyguard. In this way Chance finally discovers that Vukovich is corrupt and has direct relations with Master. We understand this when Vukovich talks with the Master’s lawyer for an eventual agreement. Vukovich is also the author of the tip that caused the death of fellow policeman of Chance. If you notice, at the beginning of the film, Chance presents some perplexities about working with Vukovich. Chance will then arrest Vukovich (this is not seen but we can imagine it).