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New Star Wars Edit

ABC said:

Your work is professionaly done and should be known by people working in areas such as publicity, productions etc... Who knows.

Yes I try and i try but my way to do editing is messy as i am. So I'm going to do Vdjing night in Paris. It's the only thing to do because no-one wants to hire me as an editor (even for free).

If you want to see more of my work:


New Star Wars Edit

ABC said:

Your work is professionaly done and should be known by people working in areas such as publicity, productions etc... Who knows.

Yes I try and i try but my way to do editing is messy as i am. So I'm going to do Vdjing night in Paris. It's the only thing to do because no-one wants to hire me as an editor (even for free).

If you want to see more of my work:


New Star Wars Edit

TheBoost said:

This si so far and away the best SW music video... it is a darn CRIME (pardon my language) that it doesn't have at least 200,000 hits.

It's bullpucky, and someone should do something about it!

I don't understand why, maybe Maybe the clip name isn't attractif. This video was posted one year ago, 2 304 view since today. As a fan I did it for fans. "Star Wars All Episodes Mixed" can stay in the shadow because I'm not sure George'll apriciate the tribute (author right)... The day it do 200,000 hits, I think youtube'll stop broadcasting it. So I prefer 3 persons a day than 200 watching it.

About Tilte, have you guys have ideas for a new name of the clip?

New Star Wars Edit

Merci ABC! J'ai également fait dans le Manga mais à l'époque ça téléchargeait pas vite. Je me suis contenté de Dragonball en qualité merdique! Aujourd'hui je dois en faire un sur du Kate Natch avec du chocolat et c'est le meilleur clip que je vais faire. Partant du principe que le précédant était moins bon et que les autre clip sont nul. 

Et pour la petite histoire / And for the little story

La version original de ce clip / The original version of SW clip

N'existe plus que sur le net / heurr...

Donc voila, je si elle est un jour viré de youtube ou de myspace pour les droits d'HAUTEUR d'auteur, elle disparait. Heureusement sur youtube tu peux la télécharger au format *.mp4. J'ai du la télécharger pour avoir un exemplaire de la version définitive.

Bon faut que je retourne a mon editing.

Tchao compatriote!




New Star Wars Edit

Thx for your comment.


Did you notice?

- Old trilogie characters shoot new triologie characters.

- Solo Shoot Solo

- Anakin kick Dark Vador

- Yoda Jump From Episode from episode 2 to episode 3.

- Anakin makes Death Star Explode.

And my favorite:

- Kenoby use the force/ Kenobi falling/ kenobi Smathing/ (2:59--3:01)


I hope you'll share this video, I don't uderstand why so few people saw it? It's my best edit and viewer prefer watch my worst vids.

Sorry for the english, by the way i'm french.


thanks angain for you're comment, it's what make me continue in this way.

If you need an advice for making clip like that,

I'll be Back!