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Jabba's Missing Toe

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<strong>The &quot;ADigitalMan Special Editions&quot; DVD Info and Feedback Thread</strong> (Released)
I just wanted to clarify that what I have in my possession to PIF is ADM's Extended Editions of the Prequels in DL (the versions with deleted scenes re-inserted only). I don't have his Enhanced Editions (or true fan edits). I just wanted to make this clear as there's been some confusion.
<strong>The &quot;ADigitalMan Special Editions&quot; DVD Info and Feedback Thread</strong> (Released)
Did DL versions of ADigitalMan's "Extended Editons" of the prequels ever exist to anyone's knowledge? I'm asking about his "Extended Editions" and not his more popular SE Editions. I didn't even know his Extended versions existed until I accidentally stumbled across them in the DVD Holocron yesterday. They were only listed as SL and I wondered if there had been a DL too.

Having been obsessed with the deleted scenes being re-integrated into the prequels since the DVDs started coming out, once I upgraded to a computer that could handle it, I found SithLord's Extended versions (the PAL ones with the Swedish subtitles only). Then I ham-fistedly made my way through freeware, trial versions, and tutorials (thanks to a lot of information here) to correctly subtitle the alien languages and redo the opening menus. However, the SithLord versions are also SL, and as I watch only these versions now, I'm not satisfied with the quality.

Eventually I've been planning to do my own DL extended edits once I have the time, inspiration, and extra cash for software (which probably I'd be wiser to skip and go straight into trying to make HD versions). However, though I've not seen them first hand, I'm guessing ADigitalMan's versions would likely be nearly identical to what I'd make, IF they existed in DL.
Star Wars Prequels/Original Trilogy: The Complete Scores (Released)
This is all quite fascinating. GoodMusician, you should write a book "The Unofficial Guide to Star Wars Music," unless by some miracle Lucasfilm would license it.

I had never heard Joseph Williams had worked on the prequels. So for example, "The Street Singer" on TPM would be his work? Is he completely uncredited? The TPM Ultimate Edition doesn't mention him, and I never caught his name on any film credits. Did he ever do work on Indiana Jones as well?

Someday maybe I'll commission or talk someone into "re-creating" the Max Rebo tracks for me, for fun. I have no musical talent myself (other than as a lyricist, but that doesn't really count), but I know a couple of people who could pull it off if they just had the right equipment (one of which might already, I'll have to ask him).

As for Lapti Nek, the film version you made is so good, that I think I can be satisfied for the rest of my life with that if nothing better ever comes along. Also, thank you for finding what I always called the "Lapti Nek 12" Single" versions. I had never been able to dig that up.
Star Wars Prequels/Original Trilogy: The Complete Scores (Released)
Alright, I've lurked these forums from time to time for years and years, and figured it was finally time to join up and post.


First off, in case you're unaware, the link to your files is currently down. I only just discovered them a few days ago, and in the middle of downloading them my old monitor burnt out on me- and since I've gotten a new one the link has been down & I've been unable to finish. However, what I've heard so far is spectacular and I eagerly await the rest.

More to the point, you are obviously very knowledgable and I've enjoyed reading your posts about the soundtracks. Since you'd be the one to ask (and unlike folks at Lucasfilm, likely to answer) I have questions about some of my favorite music, Lapti Nek and the other 2 Max Rebo source cues.

1. Many, many years ago, my research on the internet (for what that's worth) indicated that the masters for this source music was somehow "lost in the archives." Somewhere back in your posts (it may have been in your letters sent to Sony about the 30th Anniv. CDs), you mentioned that some lost masters for ROTJ had been found. Through your contacts, do you know if any of these three tracks (Lapti Nek film version, Max Rebo #1, & #2) were actually found or are they still in the 5th dimension somewhere?

2. This ties into my ignorance about the technicalities of film soundtracks, but whenever I discuss this issue with anyone, the subject always comes up, something to the effect like "Couldn't they isolate that element of the score off of the soundtrack?" Now obviously it wouldn't be complete and quality like a master recording, but say IF George or whomever wanted to (much like you did to make your versions of the tracks in question), could they pull the music only out of the mix (however that's stored) and get a fairly good result? This is especially true of Max Rebo #1 & #2, which would be part of the more recent SE mix. I'd doubt it ever happen, but I'm just curious from a technical standpoint how good you think that could be.

3. Somewhere else in your posts you mentioned something about Joseph Williams having written a source cue. I'm familiar with him having written the English lyrics to Lapti Nek if I'm not mistaken (which can be partly heard on the "SW to Jedi" documentary), but didn't think he wrote any music. Is this something different and what do you know about it?

Thanks & keep up the excellent work!