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Help: info wanted... Deleted Scenes (PT, Solo, OT, ST)

I successfully ripped the deleted scenes from the first two prequel DVDs but when I got to ROTS, the audio was just not playing? Every other special feature had audio but just not the ones I actually need for some reason.

EDIT: I just checked and the audio definitely plays when I just watch the scenes on my laptop’s DVD player.

EDIT: Never mind.

Help: info wanted... Deleted Scenes (PT, Solo, OT, ST)

Okay, so I looked at the lists of deleted scenes and figured out which ones came from what sources. I own the 2011 saga box set, which means I have the PT scenes from there and all of the OT scenes, I believe. I own Solo on Blu-ray, which means I have all of those scenes. I own TFA on standard Blu-ray, which means I have the scenes from there, and I also own TLJ on Blu-ray, which means I have all of those scenes. However, there are some deleted scenes from the PT only available on the original 2001/2002/2005 DVDs (some are on the digital releases), which I owned at one point but can not currently find, and some scenes from TFA are only available on the digital release/3D Blu-ray collector’s edition. I have TFA on digital but I am not aware of a way to rip those scenes. Either way, I own all of these films on Blu-ray. I have three of them in their digital formats. I have a Disney+ membership. I really would prefer to not purchase four of these films again simply for bonus content when I can access them all in at least two ways (and I already must purchase a Blu-ray compatible disk reader), but some of these scenes are only on outdated physical formats, and while I may not end up using all of the deleted scenes for my specific cuts, I do need at least one from the physical versions I do not own or can not find. What am I supposed to do?

Help: info wanted... Deleted Scenes (PT, Solo, OT, ST)

Oh, wow! Thank you! I’m going to attempt ripping the Blu-ray films (minus the OT? I know there are some recreations of the theatrical cuts and I’d obviously much rather use something like that… I’ll have to figure it out, too) and deleted scenes to my computer soon, but do you know if anyone has completed a full restoration of all of them? I looked through a lot of those links, and I’m totally fine with using them as they are, with dirt, grain, black and white coloring, time codes, low quality, etc., but if possible I’d like to use the best versions I can get.

Help: info wanted... Deleted Scenes (PT, Solo, OT, ST)

Hey! I’ve been a longtime lurker on here but I figured I should join at some point, and now is the time, I guess. I’m planning on making some 3-in-1 trilogy edits of the Skywalker Saga mainly from the perspectives of the lead characters and an extended edition of Solo: A Star Wars Story. I would like to use as much lead-character-focused content as I can in the Saga edits, and of course I will be using the deleted scenes for Solo. I’ve made couple fan edits before, but I’m still relatively (embarrassingly) new to the whole “finding/downloading certain files” thing. I’d prefer not to resort to screen recordings or YouTube conversions to access the deleted scenes, but unfortunately, I’m not sure where to go… I know this is a lot, but could anyone possibly point me in the right direction or send me over links to some high quality mp4s or something? Sorry about this, I’m just sort of lost.