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Class Action lawsuit?!?
I think another interesting point is one of MISLEADING ADVERTISING AND PACKAGING

Nowhere on any posters/standees or the DVD box packaging itself, is it clear that these are "Special Editions" of the films. Not 1997 specials, nor 2004 ones - nada, nothing, no clue given.

The box sticker / spine inlay state: "All 3 Classic Films, Restored and Remastered with new 5.1 Surround EX"

The only way you're gonna know about the new changes is to rip open the shrinkwrap and watch the damn things. I feel this deliberately misleads the customer. And before i get flamed - NOTE: not everyone saw the Special Editions before out of choice. FACT. Not everyone reads message boards and Net rumours. FACT.

Think about it for a moment - in the case of other releases, like LOTR etc, the "changed" movies are clearly labelled as such: "LOTR - Extended Director's Edition" & "Apocalypse Now Redux" for example.

Why didn't Lucasfilm opt for "2004 Director's Edition" rather than "All 3 Classic Films"???

Because it would damage sales, obviously. Which is deliberately misleading advertising in my book. A Lucas spokesperson interviewed by CNN "would neither confirm nor deny the changes" prior to release "I'd rather the fans check them out for themselves, " he said. I'm sorry, but for all you fanboys out there, here's some rumour control: Lucasfilm is NOT ABOVE THE LAW.

And lighthearted as i can be about the subject, i think anyone else doing this kind of "Classic" release of changed movies would be jumped on pretty damn quick. Not Lucasfilm though. Ohhh no. "George Lucas believes strongly in artists rights" said same LF spokeperson.

Well, I feel pretty strongly about consumer rights.

I'm in the UK, so i filed a complaint with the Trading Standards Office and the Advertising Standards Authority cos i am sick to the back teeth of huge corporations getting away with blatant and cynical mistreatment of their fanbase.

Lucas, check out Alien Quadrilogy. Something to aim for, man.