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Journal of the Whills - The Sequel Trilogy Completely Reimagined (Released)

I watched this edit last year and was absolutely blown away by how good it was. You did an excellent job repurposing footage from the Sequels, and except for one or two shots, it all flowed rather seamlessly. The writing was also pretty great, something I admittedly wasn’t expecting with such an ambitious fan project. I appreciate the KoTOR 2 influences, as it is one of my all-time favorite pieces of Star Wars media. The only part of the writing that I thought could use a revision or two was the romance between Rey and Ben, as the reveals about her ancestry raise some… unfortunate implications, and some questions regarding who her parents are and their position in the Skywalker Saga (I’m trying very hard not to spoil it, apologies for the clunky wording). But other than that, I thought the writing was top-notch! I think many of the Sequel characters (that weren’t axed entirely) were used very well, far better than their canon counterparts, not to mention Luke, Leia, Han and the others being treated with the respect they deserve.

This is by far better than the Sequel Trilogy we got and has become my go-to replacement for that mess of a trilogy, just as The Blackened Mantle is for the Prequels. In fact, I think both edits compliment each other quite nicely, not just for the similar technique of using the Japanese dubs and new subtitles but also in terms of “fixing” the films they’re based on to be more in line with the OT.

It does make me wonder, however, what the fan response would’ve been if we’d gotten this film (in English of course) in 2015 instead of The Force Awakens, with two more like it on the way…

Thanks for making this fantastic edit, and I can’t wait to see what you come up with in the future!