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The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

So I’ve been hanging around these forums for a few years now…lurking in the backgroud, I guess you could say…and I thought it was about time I chimed in with my thoughts. I’ve seen TFA twice now and I can safely say thst it is a great film but more importantly it’s a great Star Wars film.

First time I saw it was on day one amidst all the hype and even though I was crazy excited I found myself looking for something wrong. It was a case of once bitten, twice (or thrice, thanks to the prequels) as shy. I didn’t beleive it could be as good as I was seeing so I nit picked at the plot. As it has been pointed out by a lot people, the movie can feel like a remake of Star Wars with a bit of Empire thrown in for good measure. Other things that I wasn’t taken by were Rey’s quick grasp of the force, the Starkiller base (death star mk. 3), Leia and Rey’s hug at the end (did they know each other) and a few other little things.

But upon my second viewing I allowed myself to watch it, hype aside, and really enjoy it. It has something that the prequels sorely lacked (among many things but specifically…), interesting characters and a sense of wonder and magic. The best thing I took away from the OT was the amazing characters and their struggles and successes in this crazy universe of Star Wars. The fact that the force was mystical and not everything in the story had to be explained in silly detail and at great lenght. The characters in these new adventures feel real, I’m invested in what will happen with next. And back to the remake point. I think they nailed it, it’s just the right side of familiar without going overboard. The whole Starkiller thing becomes a bit of an afterthought in the grand scheme of things (“How do we blow it up? There’s always a way to do that”). All the new main character’s nail it as well. Rey is a great lead, John Boyega was brilliant (really interested to see whete Finn goes), Adam Driver’s take on Kylo Ren is fascinating, in particular, and Poe Dameron is kewl. It left me wanting more.

I guess the best thing on my part was that I left the cinema with a smile on my face and a real buzz about the future films.

Oh yeah…why was Luke just staring at Rey for an unnatural amount of time…just take the goddamn lightsaber!