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Lucas on the Prequels - "It is a kids’ movie. It’s always been a kids’ movie."

Lucas defended his Star Wars prequel films against the haters, arguing that critics have forgotten that Star Wars was never meant to be a grown-up movie. “It was supposed to be a kid’s movie for 12-year-olds that were going through puberty, who don’t know what they’re doing, and are asking all the big questions: What should I be worried about? What’s important in life?” he said. “And Star Wars has all those things in there. They’re buried in there but you definitely get it, especially if you’re young.”
The negative response to his Star Wars prequels, Lucas argued, came from “critics and fans who had been 10 years old when they saw the first one” and didn’t want to watch a children’s film. The public trashing of Jar Jar Binks — one of the first figures to be canceled on the then-nascent internet — reminded Lucas of the original response to C-3PO. “Everybody said the same thing about 3-PO, that he was irritating and we should get rid of him,” said Lucas. “When I did the third one it was the Ewoks: ‘Those are little teddy bears. This is a kid’s movie, we don’t want to see a kids’ movie. I said: ‘It is a kids’ movie. It’s always been a kids’ movie.'”

Source: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/george-lucas-cannes-honor-star-wars-films-1235907998/

Which one do you like more? The Prequels or the Sequels? And why?

I often see others loving the prequels because they grew up with them or because they like the story, the characters, etc., and seeing the same people hating on the sequels because of it’s not what they expected, or because of the bad storyline, etc.

Since most members of this forum were grew up with the originals, I’d like to hear which trilogy you prefer the most (besides the ot).

Just to add my side: I’m 18 now (that means the forum is older than me, lolz), i grew up watching both the OT and PT, and i was a little kid during the ST. For me, the saga feels completed with EP 1-6. I was pretty much disappointed when TROS came out, and after that I weren’t interested in Star Wars until mid-2022. So for me, the Prequels are much better. Also the soundtrack of the PT is wonderful and unique.

Lemme hear your thoughts!

(Since English isn’t my main language, grammas mistakes could happen, sorry for that)

Star Wars - 1997 Hungarian dub synced to GOUT

Hi everyone.
In my country, we got 3 different dubbing for each Original Star wars films.
Star Wars:
-1984 (TV & Rental VHS in 1993)
-1995 (THX VHS)
-1997 (Special Edition, later used for 2011 Blu-ray and 2019 Disney+ releases)

Empire Strikes Back:
-1982 (Cinema & Rental VHS in 1993)
-1995 (THX VHS)
-1997 (Special Edition, later used for 2011 Blu-ray and 2019 Disney+ releases)

Return Of The Jedi:
-1993 (Rental VHS)
-1995 (THX VHS)
-1997 (Special Edition, later used for 2011 Blu-ray and 2019 Disney+ releases)

Most people (like me) prefers to watch the movies with the latest dub available, but it’s not available for the theatrical releases, such as DeEd, or 4K77.

I’ve tried to sync the latest (1997) dub to match with my GOUT DVD’s. It’s not perfect, however it can be used for future projects, but don’t know where to upload the full release.


Star Wars:
-2006 GOUT
-1997 SE dub
-2019 Disney+ release (for the Han shot first part)

Empire Strikes Back:
-2006 GOUT
-1997 SE dub

Return Of The Jedi (haven’t finished yet):
-2006 GOUT
-1997 SE dub

If you want to see some of the changes i’ve made to Star Wars, here’s a YouTube link (i couldn’t upload all of them):

Sorry for grammar mistakes, my english still isn’t the perfect