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Star Wars Rebels Recut - A Fanedit TV Series

I grew up with the OT. I was roughly six years old when I saw Empire in theatres. My friends and I saw Jedi several times the summer it opened, any time us farm kids could get a parent to gather us up from our farms and drive us into the city to one of the theatres showing it. It took a long time for me to appreciate these films, especially Empire, which I have come to believe is one of the greatest fantasy epics ever to hit the screen. Needless to say, disappointment has come to dominate my feelings regarding the latest Star Wars offerings on the big and small screen. I don’t think I’ll even bother to watch another disney SW movie again. Before Andor, I was certain I’d never care about another TV series, but the quality of this show has renewed my interest. Now I’m thinking I’d like to go back and watch Rebels. I was hoping to come across a fan edit that sharpened the story and trimmed a lot of the childish nonsense. Anyone who has seen a fan edit, or more than one, of the Rebels series and would be willing to recommend one to me, please let me know which I should check out.