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Han Solomente

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.-The Matrix Hacked-..:Completed:.
No problem with the Hammer, I'm sure once you get to editing there are million reasons why you just cant do it with only the DVD's to work off of. It didnt really bother me, more of a suggustion, so no big deal. It's gotta be tough wanting to put something in the movie but not having the materials for it. But I guess thats what this whole edit is about. I actually kinda assumed it was just another random ship that was never mentioned that had been patched up post-war.

To answer your question though, the cut I was talking about was from the ship shot to the lab. Logically the way the movie is now it feels like it should be the Logos returning for the reasons you mentioned, but visually I assumed it was another ship simply because of the other people on board in the ship that you see post fly-by. As you said "Could Trinity have dragged Neo back to the Logos, returned to Zion for minor repairs and then all go out patrolling with Neo on board because they didn't feel much like dancing? Yeah I can handle that." You would think they would have dropped a severly wounded Neo off at Zion, not gone back out with him in a coma once Trinity returned to Zion. Those silly kids. That said I can handle it too.

The transition from the dancing was fine, although I'm going to stick to my guns that the dancing was about a minute too long

I'll be curious to see what you're going to do with the opening now without the voice over. Best of luck with that. I'm looking forward to seeing the next cut.
.-The Matrix Hacked-..:Completed:.
No problem, gald to give the input. You did all the hard work. First off, to answer your question I perfer Xvid over KVCD as I stream everything to my TV through my Xbox Media Center so I dont need to play it on a DVD player, and I find the quality to be better. Also I didnt encounter the sync issue with Revolutions, only Reloaded and it doesnt go out of sync until Neo meets the oracle in the park to the end. Up until then its in sync, and as I sadi, no sync issue with M3.

For the opening I perfer the original one as you did, it's not perfect but I think it works better then the other clip I saw and I actually think it works well to set up whats happening. I still think it has a nice ominous feel for the opening of the film.

In terms of Neo jacking in right before he fights Smith, I saw you used a second or two from Reloaded to show him jacking in, but even though I knew it was Neo jackin in, I though there might be a clearer shot of his face when he jacks in. But for me I just think the dialog works better with what I posted earlier then everyone talking about the looking for the Logos before the M3 Smith fight. It sets up that there is something wrong with the matrix before Neo goes in to fight Smith (i'm just going to cut and paste this from my previous post cause I'm lazy) "the 10 seconds from the original Revolutions from 43:36 "There's something wrong with the Matrix" to 43:46 "This can't be good". This footage would be inserted right after the end of the shot with Evil Bane on the table in a coma and lead into the shot of Neo jacking in to the Matrix. That ten seconds of dialouge makes it sound like Smith has overtaken the Matrix so it fits well right before the fight with Agent Smith." This is already convienent because you had already cut the original 10 seconds I mention here out of your cut so you can use it without reporposeing anything. To me it fits the the setup a little neater and I think it might work well with your idea of moving the hallway sceen as well.

I'm glad you liked the idea of the Hammer picking them up at the end. It would be sorta implied that its the Hammer, but to me one of the first things that happens when peace is declared in war is that you get to pick up you dead and wounded, so I think it kinda fits and it shows the war is truly over.

Hope all is going well.
.-The Matrix Hacked-..:Completed:.
I had one more possible thought for having a visual of Neo getting picked up at the machine city. There is a over head shot of Neo and Trinity's ship flying over three powerlines real slow right before they get attacked approaching Machine City. It's at 1:01:26 - 1:01:30 in your version. If you have the Animatrix outside ship shot and then moved the overhead shot after it, it might work. Not sure but its a thought.

You could also cut from the dancing/celebration to trinity holding neo's hand in the coma. After trinity says "I'm staying with him" and the nurse leaves then show the ship flying over the power lines (or your orginal fly-by) followed by a cut to Morpheus saying lets look for Neo in the matrix. Might make it flow better, might not. Hope this helps in some way.
.-The Matrix Hacked-..:Completed:.
Hi, first off let me say really really good job. Not perfect, but its a vast improvment on both films. Especially Revolutions. I've watched Reloaded once now and Revolutions twice so I could try and give you a semi informed opinion. I like the way 2 ends and dont see much of a need to show Seraph at the end. I think it ends well where it stands and Seraph might make it too long. In terms of part 3 I really didnt mind the opening. It seemed as a way to show that Smith was intent on not just taking over the oracle but everyone in the matrix. I also though it was onimous when the lights starting going out, I felt it worked with the voiceover. As I said it didnt bother me and set a more ominous tone. But it's your call.

I would however like to see a better shot and possibly a line of dialog if possible for Neo jacking in to the matrix to fight Smith. It just kinda happens, and the shot of Neo is really quick and doesnt show him paticularly clearly. I would possibly re-use the shot of Neo jacking in from Reloaded at 1:40:32 (at least on my dvd player). It's quick but you can see his face. More importanly, maybe you could use the 10 second from Revolutions from 43:36 "There's something wrong with the Matrix" to 43:46 "This can't be good". This footage would be inserted right after the end of the shot with Evil Bane on the table in a coma and lead into the shot of Neo jacking in to the Matrix. That ten seconds of dialouge makes it sound like Smith has overtaken the Matrix so it fits well right before the fight with Agent Smith. You would have to cut the scene with everyone but Neo talking about finding Niobe from 07:14 - 07:38 in your version, but I think it would make more sense and you still have the sceen later when someone says "we found the logos" so it isnt all that necessary.

There is also a really hard cut to Sati after the fight as the matrix rebuildes itself (the shot with the black cat). Actually I just watched it again, it is less of a hard visual cut than a hard audio cut from the music showing the new oracle to a music cue when the shot of the cat walking by begins. Maybe you could just have the shot of the cat start a second later so the music doesnt change that abrubtly.

No real problems in the middle I think you made the Zion fight SOOO much better. After the war I get why you used the rave sceen as it is actually them celebrating victory as opposed to the Reloaded's celebrating that they're all going to die, but it still runs too long for me. Maybe you could fade out the music and image earlier. Just too much dancing. The dancing is at :91 seconds right now, which is pretty long. I'd make it :35 seconds instead.

Finally, when the Hammer picks up Neo from the machine city there is a shot of the ship flying by followed my Neo in a coma. It's and odd shot transition with a noticable music change. I have a possible suggustion. In the Flight of the Osiris from the Animatrix there is a shot from 4:31 in to 4:34 of a ship flying outside on the surface. You cant see any humans so it really looks just like the films. With these extra three seconds of footage you have both an outside establishing shot (which could easily be taken as the outskirts of machine city) as well as a few seconds that you could use to fade the music by inserting it between the end of the existing Hammer fly-by shot to Neo in sick bay in a coma. Just a suggestion. I havent tried it or anything, so who knows if it would work in the end. There's also another Animatrix "ship only" shot from 4:20-4:23, but I'm not sure how useful that one is.

I think thats it. Again really good great effort. I loved the first Matrix and it killed me how bad the trilogy ended up. Your telling of the story works much better and makes a lot more sense. Especially what you cut out, like Neo having powers in the real world. I also enjoy that you relagated Smith to more of a Darth Maul type bad guy that is taking care of earlier in final film. The war is with the machines not Smith. Smith is a bad ass who gets in the way of winning the war, but he is not the war itself like the orginal Revolutions made him out to be.

If you do any more versions please still put up the divx copy. I'm in Los Angeles, so I wont be getting a DVD anytime soon, and my computer and xbox media player has the ability to adjust the audio sync on the fly so it isnt a problem for me. Dont over think your edit too much, it's already better than the original Revolutions. Like most editors you will probably alway find something you want to change forever and ever no matter how many fixes you make. Keep up the good work.