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kk650's Miscellaneous Regraded Films (Released)

bromeo said:

WunYeh said:

To add to my previous post, if others are like me and are not interested in the 2-3GB >versions, then wouldn’t it be difficult to build sufficient demand for the higher bitrate >releases?

This was something I was contemplating last night before falling asleep. Would we all be required to download the “lower tier” versions to build up the popularity?

I don’t think the intent is to force anyone to download and seed a version that they don’t want, but it does make sense that the more of us who support the smaller versions, the more likely it is that we’ll get the bigger ones. My preferred minimum is the 8GB versions (and I grab the 22GB when I see them), but I’m lucky enough to have bandwidth that lets me pull the 2GB versions to “prime the pump.”

bromeo said:

I have learned to respect his decision to keep doing this + supporting every single one of his fans . . .

Agreed; it takes him way more time to create these files than it does for me to download and watch them, so I’ll play by his rules. This distribution method is already an improvement for me since I prefer torrents to file sharing sites.

kk650's Miscellaneous Regraded Films (Released)

Would it be against site or forum rules to ask KK650 to just post a notice here when he finds a new home for his regrades? (Or is it a matter of visibility, not wanting to broadcast a site link?) I subscribed to this thread to stay in the loop, and the majority of the new posts are PM requests – think of the time KK could save by not having to send a quarter-million PMs . . .