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Question about GOUT's, Opening Crawl, etc.

That guy with no name said:

Mocata said:

It felt more like he was throwing OOT fans his scraps, since it was such a low quality version and a “bonus feature” but I guess this is old news. Of course now time has passed and you have strange people that believe this laserdisc rip represents the quality of that theatrical cuts.

This might have been his intention, to confine the memory of the original cuts to that inferior quality.

Lucas basically ‘confirmed’ that intention during the Cannes 2024 interview:


George Lucas: Star Wars Creator, Unreliable Narrator & Time Travelling Revisionist...

oojason said:

Haarspalter said:

• 'Gary Kurtz - on the Star Wars Special Edition youtube video, - by gordongecko1975
• 'Gary Kurtz - on Return of the Jedi youtube video, - by gordongecko1975

Now i feel honored that my youtube uploads contributed to this awesome thread. 😃 A truly intricate collection of sources oojason! Great work.

^ Ha! Brilliant mate 😃 I’d no idea of that - though am really pleased to find more of the sources used for this are from members of our own community ❤️

And many thanks everyone for all the kind words - they are very much appreciated


In the past few days my youtube uploads recieved an unusual high number of new comments coming in. Does anyone know, if both videos got newly linked or mentioned somewhere in a Star Wars discussion board or a recent movie podcast?

Denis Villeneuve says the Star Wars franchise “derailed” in 1983

The director of the recent Dune movies, Blade Runner 2049 and Arrival revealed in a podcast, why he has no interest directing a Star Wars movie:

“I was the target audience. I was 10 years old. It went to my brain like a silver bullet. I became obsessed with Star Wars. I mean, The Empire Strikes Back is the movie that I anticipated the most in my life. I saw the movie a billion times onscreen. […] I adore Star Wars. The problem is that it all derailed in 1983 with Return of the Jedi. […] I was 15 years old, and my best friend and I wanted to take a cab and go to L.A. and talk to George Lucas — we were so angry! Still today, the Ewoks. It turned out to be a comedy for kids. Star Wars became crystallized in its own mythology, very dogmatic, it seemed like a recipe, no more surprises. So I’m not dreaming to do a Star Wars because it feels like code is very codified.”

Source: https://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/1885431-denis-villeneueve-star-wars-movie

New Lucas interview - the originals "look terrible"

That interview confirms one more time that the GOUT 2006 DVD was Lucas’ deliberate middlefinger in the face of the OT fans. And his stupid argument that it looked bad and that is why his numerous Special Edition iterations are better … what a terrible & dumb justification.

Also worth noting as he mentions ‘the director, or the writer or the filmmaker’ … he basically justifys his ‘clean-ups’ on EMPIRE and JEDI since he was not the director. As i remember in earlier interviews he always referred to the directors right.

Rank The Indiana Jones Films
  1. Crusade
  2. Raiders
  3. Doom
  4. Skull
  5. Dial

I saw DoD last week. Harrison Ford is way too old to play Indiana Jones. He looked like an old grampa dressing as Indiana Jones. IMO the train scene prologue proved that the Indiana Jones character works the best, when he is in his late 30s/mid 40s. That scene was entertaining as long as the De-Aging effect on his face wasn’t too distracting. The final scene of DoD almost felt like an elderly person drama - depressing and not very fitting.

This scene was/is/will be the perfect ending for Indiana Jones:

What do you think of The Prequel Trilogy? A general discussion.

Channel72 said:

Spartacus01 said:

I can’t imagine Vader saying “Liar!! You’re with him! You brought him here to kill me!”

No, he just said: “You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor! Take her away!”

Prequel Anakin would have said something like “Traitor!! You’re with the Rebels! You’ve turned against us!! I will not let you get away with this!” or whatever.

Someone should do a fanedit of the OT with Vaders dialogue rewritten in a Prequel Anakin-esque fashion with James Earl Jones voice recreated by AI. Here are some suggestions:

When Vader interrogates Captain Antilles he could say:

“I’m haunted by the plans that you are hiding from me.” […] “Where are they? Tell us. TELL US NOW!”

The “Bring-my-shuttle” scene in Empire:

“This is outrageous! How can he lose a hand and not join me!? It’s unfair!”

Has anyone Read the Book The Secret History of Star Wars by Michael Kaminski?

I read mainly (and still do from time to time) the sections about the prequel trilogy. They contain very insightful and plausible conclusions by Kaminski about Lucas’ creative decision making. For example adding the chosen one prophecy and the midichlorians was a mere ‘script crowbar’ so that Anakin’s importance in TPM could be measured by the numbers basically. Anakin has a high midichlorian count? So he must be important! Do you understand that audience?

Or how Lucas’ kind of hijacked the Naboo art design from James Gurneys Dinotopia book series. According to Kaminski, Lucas even called Gurney around the time of the TPM release asking him, if he ‘might be concerned’.

I can really recommend the book to anyone who is interested in behind-the-scenes stuff about the OT and the PT - especially since it is not one of those Lucas-approved books.

The Kenobi <s>Movie</s> Show (Spoilers)

Actually i like that the series has ‘lower production qualities / cinematography’ so far. Why? Take Rogue One as an example. They made the final battle on and over Scarif so ePIC and EmOTiOnAl … and then you 're supposed to watch the original STAR WARS. Actual movie goers are way too spoiled by the ‘grand-and-epic’ Marvel age of movies. They aren’t invested in the actual character drama anymore. The Obi-Wan series goes for a lower epicness and more character drama. And that’s why it is good so far. I know, don’t judge a season until you have seen it.

We will see.