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Guess What

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Jedi Council Forum Laughs


And yeah, none of those were around when this thread was created. No, you're the reason. And seriously. This is the classic trilogy forum. Those are all prequel trilogy threads from the prequel trilogy forum. So yeah, banning you for baiting. Goodbye.

Darth Endeor, can you please explain to that/the darth boba guy administrator moderators staff members that my intention was not to bait him nor was my intention to troll/to flame/to spam him????????????????

My behavior was misenterperted as spamming/trolling/flaming/baiting, but that was NOT my intention at that time/the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Troll Speculation Thread-Part 2-Frank Zhang!!!!

<p>This guy is such an attention seeking racist troll on Youtube that it goes beyond hilarious. This guy types in all comments and this guy, he also types in all capital letters in his stupid flaming, and in his stupid trolling, and in his stupid baiting youtube comments/his youtube posts!!!!!<br /><br />The proofs of his trolling are right over here, all of you guys that are over here!!!!!<br /><br /><a href="http://unblockthepiratebay.com/surf.php?u=Oi8vd3d3LnlvdXR1YmUuY29tL2NoYW5uZWwvVUNmdnZQM1NLYnZhV3gxeVNfeDFXRkN3&b=0" title="www.youtube.com/channel/UCfvvP3SKbvaWx1yS_x1WFCw" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfvvP3SKbvaWx1yS_x1WFCw</a><br /><br /></p>

Every comment that this guy makes are just so trollish that they go beyond description. Here's are/here's is some examples of the his trollingish comments, all of you guys that are over here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!