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Help: looking for... star wars ITV broadcast version
s7en, if you'd posted just a little earlier you would have saved me ten minutes on google.

looking for anything about this itv broadcast i found this site: http://www.kellybooks.co.uk/4-TVT-80s.htm where you can buy a copy of the TV Times issue s7en mentions, october 23rd - 29th, front page STAR WARS - The Force Comes to ITV.

seems pretty definitive now.
Help: looking for... star wars ITV broadcast version
that's interesting about the dates, i think i had it in my head as earlier because i remember putting stickers on the VHS case from the return of the jedi panini book.

thanks for spending the time to put the list of other threads together russs15, you have truly humbled my efforts to find out about this. i never imagined that so many people would have put together so many different versions...

i downloaded the mp3 of the mono mix but... i'm sure i remember the 'close the blast door' line being repeated twice, like the open one. does anyone else remember it this way? is my memory growing old and confused? i'll have to check on my old VHS next time i go and visit my parents. yes i do still have it, moth3r, but i don't have it with me.

unfortunately not long after recording it i lent it to a friend of mine (at the time) who saw fit to record an episode of the flintstones over the first twenty minutes. as a result of this i have a very uneven knowledge of the film and, quite probably, a unique version of it on tape.
Help: looking for... star wars ITV broadcast version

hey all,

i’m kind of new to this and have had a good look round without joy in finding any information about this.

i grew up watching, probably several hundred times, a VHS of star wars i recorded from ITV in the UK in about 1982. i went to see the special editions in 1997 and was quite … unsettled by the new additions and also the differences in aunt beru’s voice, the radio voices in the death star attack etc. i got over it, until recently i borrowed the recent official dvds from a friend and these differences stuck out to me again. then i got to thinking that this might mean i will not be able to see the version of the film i know and love in the future. so my question is - is there any available version of the film with this mono version of the soundtrack?

as i said it featured a different voice for aunt beru, it had the stormtrooper line ‘close the blast doors, close the blast doors’ which was one of my favourite bits as a kid and has now been re-recorded (?), the c3po speech about the tractor beam was in and the radio chatter through the death star battle sounded like radio chatter, rather than the strange flanged effect we have now. there were also other little differences, but i think they are all to do with the audio.

any light from anyone?