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Info: Terminator 2 70mm scan

MonkeyLizard10 said:

GT865 said:

i assumed that there were scans but it seems like there aren’t any (at least being shared publicly at best), there maybe could be a print auction but sadly no one seems to have interest to even preserve it, so i’m not holding my breath for this. (not like it was really needed to say that “came as a dick”)

Oh believe me there is tons of interest in doing it (and for other 70mm), but it has just been virtually impossible to do so. Maybe some rich person with a print or someone connected with a 70mm has done a private scan 100% for themselves, but who even knows. 70mm prints are extremely rare to come across. Same for IMAX.

Knew that 70mm prints were sorta more expensive, but like the fact that such prints are rare (since u mentioned it) makes things complicated. it feels like theyre threated as some sort of collector’s artifact. (tho the same could be said for 35mm prints to an lesser extent since theyre more cheaper to auction for)

Info: Terminator 2 70mm scan

Clark Teddles said:

Finding a print to get in your hands would be much more difficult than getting the money to fund a 70mm scan of a feature. Not to mention hard drive space + backup.

However, I don’t want to come across as a dick here. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but it’s highly unlikely that someone could get their hands on a 70mm print of T2 and scan it here.

i assumed that there were scans but it seems like there aren’t any (at least being shared publicly at best), there maybe could be a print auction but sadly no one seems to have interest to even preserve it, so i’m not holding my breath for this. (not like it was really needed to say that “came as a dick”)

Info: Terminator 2 70mm scan

Found information about a 70mm print of terminator 2 being shown on the wild since at least it’s release in 1991 that supposedly had more detail than the 35mm one (which is more widely shared around the net since that was a more cheaper option), so i wonder if this print was ever scanned and preserved (or if it wasnt, then at least if maybe could be done or possible).