jimbotron235 said:
Ultimately, opinions on that are all subjective.
I don’t agree 100%. There are references like 35mm copies and technical things, but you are right, when you say that coloring has a lot of subjectiveness. So… about 72.4%…
I think the new version looks gorgeous, and you are entitled to your opinion on the previous version. If we’re both happy, then great.
Yes. That’s right.
I’d like to know more. How did you go about work on that?
The German dub of the Theatrical version is really great! In my opinion (and of many others) the best is the German voice of Salieri, spoken by Gottfried Kramer. Though it’s not extremely similar to M. A., it is absolutely gorgeous with its underlying sarcasm. For the director’s cut there were some reasons to make a complete new dubbing in 2002. One of it was the sad fact that Gottfried Kramer had passed away in 1994.
He was replaced by Joachim Höppner, who also spoke Gandalf in the German dubs. A nice and friendly, slightly wise voice, but much too nice for Salieri.
Also some of the other voices would have sounded too old to fill the new scenes. Tom Hulce’s voice is dubbed by the same speaker. He still sounds quite funny, when “laughing”, but not that powerful and “anarchical” as in the first dub.
So I decided early to take the HD-director’s cut, take most of the scenes of the old dub, and the rest of the new one. Which is not that easy, as you well know, because there are lots of small differences, which make lots of cuts and repairung of these necessary. I remember the scene with burning wood in a fireplace with a lot of talking of Salierei in the background as one of the hardest, although you even don’t see the actor speaking - I don’t know if the English version was similar hard to adapt here? Also one scene when Mozart comes home and meets his father in the staircase I remember as hard to adapt. Some in the director’s cut missing or shortened scenes (3? I don’t remember, maybe I took also the staircase scene?) I took from the German Theatrical-DVD after careful upscaling (although I am no friend of this still), just like you. Also the Orion intro - but here you took a better one. But you wanted to make a “final release”, I did it just for my personal use. 😃
Later I realised, that these additional scenes disturbed me - first maybe because of the new voices, but there was something else. After having watched the movie some times I decided to cut the additional scenes completely, and the result was much better. The cutting was easy, because the picture was already cut after the German dub of the theatrical version, I mainly just had to cut the new scenes.
Today I only watch the movie in its original (but German) version, and all my friends do the same.