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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

A little question  regarding the best Playback device:

What Player do you use to get the closest to the original as possible experience. Until now i used vlc media player 1.1.5 with GPU acceleration turned off, cause in my experience it smoothes the picture out to much, as in the CPU mode it is more sharp. Very noticable if you play it on a beamer and a 2m wide screen.

Yesterday i tried Media Player Classic Home Cinema with the MadVR renderer, but here the sharpness isn`t as great as in VLC with GPU deactivated. Perhaps i should enable some sharpening shaders?

Edit: I made some comparison screens for myself and the results were interesting. It seems that the picture in MPC HC is more yellowish than in VLC. I don`t know what`s closer to the way it`s supposed to look.

With activated sharpening complex in MPC HC the details are MUCH better (Lukes hair etc.). The question is, whether this overemphasized sharpness is the true 1977 SW experience or not.




Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)

First of all: A happy new year to everyone!


Yesterday i found a german AC3 file for harmy ESB release, so i decided to rewatch it again (this time with the sync version i grwon up with).

I used MKVtoolnix to mux the ac3 file into a mkv. After it was muxed i realised the MKV runs now with a framerate of 24fps (running time 2:05:02) while the original AVCHD runs with 23fps (running time 2:05:57), resulting in a time difference of 55 secs. I also realised i couldn`t skip through the film in VLC with my MKV version.

Has anyone experienced the same problem with using MKVtoolnix in the past?

Nevertheless, i watched it yesterday and strangely i didn`t realise any "speed up".

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)
First of all, i love your Star Wars Despecialised Edition. I downloaded it a year ago and watched it 10 times since then. Now i heared you are releasing a new version. What makes it really interesting for me is the german dub you are including. Will bring back even more childhood memories for me and i can`t wait for the release. A short question: As i downloaded your trilogy from a filehoster instead of torrent last year, will this be an option with this new edition as well?
Puggo GRANDE - 16mm restoration (Released)

Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

Harmy did his best to make the lightsaber colors match what they looked like originally.  The only reason he would change them, would be to change them BACK to what they were originally.

Get DJ's too :)

I try to get all the three versions...

You all do such a great job, really... perhaps most people out there, especially the generation, which is growing up in this sterile, plastic, CGI filled, dehumanized movie culture can`t nearly appreciate nor understand how important your work is.

Puggo GRANDE - 16mm restoration (Released)

OK brother i take your word, i take both versions, Harmys and yours, because i just found some Test material on youtube of your version and THAT reminded me most of how i experienced SW on TV when i was a kid...

BTW: Maybe the wrong thread to ask this... But are you sure Harmy didn`t change anything like kightsber colors or other effects?

Puggo GRANDE - 16mm restoration (Released)

See, for me it is all about the nostalgia...

I want to watch Star Wars the way the people were watching it in cinemas when it was released in `77. I don`t want the movie to look "better", sharper or with better colors... I don`t want story elements like lightsaber colors corrected or some letters in the Death Star changed to SW language symbols.

I want to watch the movies just as they were released in `77, `80 and `83, but because i wasn`t born in `77 i don`t have a clue what they looked like, so i ask..


Wait a moment you mean cinema looked really that sharp and awesome in `77 as in Harmys version? Not like what can be best described as vintage?

Help: looking for... a true Classic Star Wars Trilogy Restoration?

No, then i take the Harmy version instead, he at least uploaded his Preservation on Megaupload... I for myself try to stay away from any torrents cause 3 people i know were already busted because of Torrent Use.

Very sad that i can`t see my favoured version just because that formality. I think limiting this piece of craftsmanship to only one source is against the very meaning of preserving the ORIGINAL SW for future generations... I think spreading it to as many sources as possible and therefore to multiply the audience who will see this is the best way to save Star Wars. My worry is that in 10 years from now the majority will not even know the original Star Wars but this plastic Star Wars Version George Lucas is constantly changing to make even more money with.

Help: looking for... a true Classic Star Wars Trilogy Restoration?

Thanks doubleofive...

Since i have no BD Player at all (wanted to buy one for the BD release, but thats out off the window now^^) i check the Dark Jedi version...

BTW... Great Forum... You all are doing such a great job here... Not for SW only, but for preserving, what only can be called a major stepstone in movie history for future generations.



Help: looking for... a true Classic Star Wars Trilogy Restoration?

Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

I saw SW in the theater 4 times in the summer of 1977, including once in 70mm.  Right now, the version that comes closest to that experience in my opinion is Harmy's despecialized edition (not the "partly" despecialized edition... that's different).  It's in HD and looks incredible even on a big screen.  You will get differing opinions from different people, due to different conditions in different theaters, and because of differing memories.

I'm not aware of any softening in DJ's version.  Adywan has several versions so it depends on which one you are refering to.  There are also ones sourced directly off of laserdisc like Mothr's.  There are other restorations such as the very nice one by darth editous. If you want one sourced directly off of a print, there's mine, the puggo grande (but it's very rough).

And btw, it's spelled "restoration." :)



Thanks for the answer... Did Harmy also make restoration of Empire and Jedi?

Yeah btw. i "rest(o)red" my post... now it`s corrected.^^

Help: looking for... a true Classic Star Wars Trilogy Restoration?

I read that the Dark Jedi Versions use alot of picture softening, which is not very true to me... On another page i read that theres an Adyvan version of Empire, which was called on that page a "miracle work", but i just found a version with CGI effects here. Then i read that There was some Editroid 2010 version of a new hope, any thoughts on that one?

I really want a SW restauration which is as true as possible to the originals, like you watched it in the cinema in ´77.

Help: looking for... a true Classic Star Wars Trilogy Restoration?


I am totally new to this Fan Edit thing… Today I first heared about it…

Since my early childhood the classic trilogy was more than just a movie to me… It was my CHILDHOOD.

So it was a true punch in the face when the SE was released in 97 and i dont even want to talk about the prequels…

I hope for the Blue Ray release few weeks ago it would contain a restaurated version of the original theatrical versions from ´77, ´80 and´83 but once again George Lucas betrayed us.

Is there any fan restoration of the original trilogy which is as true to the classics as it can get (without CGI and that crap, no changes in content)?

Thank you in advance…