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The saddest thing ever - WOW Radio!!
Firstly, "Hello" to all the Star Wars guys and gals on this forum \o/ I'm the guy who sits next to HotRod at work and plays WoW Radio for my (and his), pleasure so I guess I can take some responsibility here I have a lvl 60 Lock in WoW, play end game instances and have found WoW Radio (especially TB's Dungeon master slot), a very good and informative listen. HR's comments at the very start of this thread were badly worded and ill advised and I told him so when he was typing it. To slag someone else's work in such a derogatory fashion is out of order. His opinion is fair enough and he is of course entitled to it but to blatantly attack it with a thread title of "The saddest thing ever" then to follow it up with "It's one thing to play the game that sucks all your life away, but to listen to a bunch of saddo nerds talking about the best way to play...well call me whatever you like, but Jesus this is sad beyond all sadness.", is enough to irritate anyone who plays WoW, let alone the owner of the station itself. Difference is I can tell him to STFU in person which is far more gratifying I can tell you

To be fair to dickhead (HotRod), he was only writing it in jest and I know for a fact he didn’t mean it to come across as bad as it did because we were ripping the piss over it when he was typing it and whining about the choice of radio station. I also know that with a little more coaxing from me, I might actually get him to play WoW too (he played SW:Galaxies ffs so there’s hope!) >

Bottom line is that this is has blown all out of all proportion and I believe HR's genuinely sorry for his original post. As for TotalBiscuit, I know Hotrods comments hit a nerve. To have your work attacked like that is not nice but you shouldn’t have risen to it. Any publicity is good publicity after all m8

Anyway that’s my two cents and as entertaining as this thread was to read, I hope this should be an end to something I feel a little responsible for. Poor HR has had to sit there for the last two days listening to how to raid Zul'Gurrub Riad instance etc.....lol....sorry m8 but I've had to sit there listening to you bang on about Star Wars for the last 10 years so av a little back man