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Evin Jade

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Aalenfae's PREQUEL TRILOGY (Heavily delayed - computer exploded)

How about some more radical approach?


Sorry for crude editing and quality - it was done very quick.. Of course, music, effects etc need to be tighten up.

I'm try to describe this scene in short. Jango plays cat & mouse with Obi up until he's shooting a rocket. No stupid seismic charges and gunfire - Fett came from behind and do his job. IMO, in that way, two of them are not complete morons and know what they doing. Just strait to the point action scene.

p.s.: Some more build up before rocket shoot may also help. And we never see Jango's face.

Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

That's right, it's great that one of the most iconic prequel moments is finally getting the respect it deserves. I suggest the "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!" is added to Star Wars when Vader loses control of his TIE. And then to ESB when he enters the Hoth hangar and the falcon is just leaving, or after Luke jumps, or both.

Sorry, I just couldn't resist http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-g3BFJWhqI

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

timdiggerm said:


  1. Why does Threepio sneak down to the planet if he's a TF droid? It might work better to make him the Jedi's droid, not replacing the TF Welcome Party. (Note: This might make "Nice to see a familiar face" in ESB a little funnier, if you get what I mean?) If they're ambassadors, why shouldn't they have a protocol droid?
  2. How do they get from the swamp to the city, if they don't visit Otoh Gunga at all?
  3. If we're talking about no gungans, when/where/how/why is the Padme/Amidala thing revealed effectively?

1. He might has his own reasons. It may be explained in one or two phrases from him, and that be enough. All we need is to create a new dialogs for droid in the beginning and shoot some new scenes where he sneaks on a ship. All this idea relays strongly on dialogs. If we make a nice new dialogs, no one would ask "why".

2. It's simple. Ships should land near the city, not on the oher side of the planet (like RLM said, it's plain stupid). Threepio just "knows" a short way to the capital.

3. No idea. But I'm sure, something could be done. Meditate on this, I will :)

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Hello there! Long time reading this boards, but never really post something. And I must say, you guys rocks in terms of creating something new from very sad PT. I just hope that ideas from here one day became a part of really cool edit.

Something came to my mind today. It's a little crazy idea, but what if we replace Jar-Jar on C-3PO?

For example, in Episode I, C-3PO could be that servant droid on trade fed's ship in the very beginning, who sought a chance to escape from his greedy masters when jedi show up. Hi sneaks onto one of the ships after jedi and lands on the planet. When Qui-Gon run through the forest he might see him (here we replace JJ with droid) and so on. Then they meet Obi-Wan and Threepio say, that he knows the way to the city (cut underwater sequence entirely). Movie continues as usual, except we see Threepio and no Jar-Jar. When on Tatooine, we smoothly cut meeting Threepio with R2, then roto/replace/cut the footage with Binks and Threepio to create one golden droid from both gungan and non-covered C-3PO.

In other two movies similar things may be done. I just seen a footage and it really could work. Of course, this almost impossible and would require shooting an actor with a suit and a massive redub and effects work, but who knows..

Sorry for spelling, my english is not so perfect)

SW Episode III - Reign of the Dark Side (* unfinished project *)

Really great work by now! I look forward to see this when it be done.

I have a small suggestion.. Is it possible to remove "force field" glow from palpatine's handcuffs in scene above? I think, GL tried to make it obvious for audience that Palpy is prisoner etc, but glowing is rather goofy and really doesn't need to be there to show us something that we already know.