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Star Wars Episode II: The Approaching Storm (Released)

Hal, I just had a dumb yet possibly okay-ish idea for V4! If I recall correctly, in your edit, you go from Anakin slaughtering sand people to Obi on Geonosis. You cut out Yoda sensing it and saying, “Young Skywalker is in great pain.” Which I totally get! It makes no sense to have that scene when neither Yoda or Mace ever attempt to confront Anakin about it. However, that short scene has that really cool Qui-Gon VO saying, “Anakin! Anakin!! NOOO!!!” I’ve always dug that and thought it was pretty powerful stuff. Have you ever tried putting that over the shots of Anakin killing the sand people? Does that make sense? Like, at the medium shot of Anakin, after the shot of him decapitating two sand people, you super impose the “Anakin! Anakin!!” Then, right at the final slice, as it transitions to the Obi scene, we hear the “NOOO!!!”
Hopefully it’ll work. [shrugs]

“This is an emotional moment. Anakin just killed some sand people.”
“You mean Arabs??”
“Nooo… No, you racist. No.”

Star Wars Episode III: Labyrinth Of Evil (Released)

One thing I’m curious about is if anyone ever successfully edited the Ani/Obi fight to remove the swinging from lava ropes whilst on the giant lava arm that was floating down the lava river, only to soon fall down the lavafall. Go from them fighting outside the lava facility, to them already on the lava platforms. The only way to do it would be to actually include the duel between Yoda and Palpy, since you need something to cut back to, but I wonder if there’s any way even then to make it work. I might try my hand at it. I dunno. I mean, you got them fighting outside the facility, then what? They jump on a skinny pipe, and they’re fighting on that. Then they jump on the giant arm, fight on that. It breaks off due to lava doing lava things. They continue fighting. Swing on ropes; fighting. You’d think by the time they were on little lava platforms Obi would say, “This is getting ridiculous! Wanna just talk about it over a beer?” That fight is just too much, man. Everyone’s like “This is the best fight ever!” And I’m like, “In a Suda 51 game, sure!”

Star Wars Episode III: Labyrinth Of Evil (Released)

Hey Hal, will there be any effort to ‘clean up’ the “NOOOOOOOO!!!” in v4. You know the one I’m talking about, right? The “NOOOOOOOO!!!” near the end of the movie? You remember? Nah, you don’t remember.

Anyway, I can’t remember which fanedit it was, but one fanedit’s description stated they ‘cleaned up’ the “NOOOOOOOO!!!”, and shortened it and stuff. I ended up not seeing that particular edit, and every edit I’ve seen either cuts out the “NOOOOOOOO!!!” (L8WRTR and Kerr, I believe) or leaves it in (you… HAL 9000. Not to be mistaken with HAL 9000… from 2001: A Space Odyssey).

Also, would you ever consider putting in an alternate ending with Padme kicking the bucket? I can never trick my brain into thinking that shot from The Other Other Bowling Girl belongs in the film. And it’s bugged me for so long, but I realize it’s because that background is real. That’s a real wall behind Natalie. My brain can’t accept it cause it goes against literally every other shot in the movie! haha You think you can… I dunno, throw in some Dewbacks or something?

Help Wanted: WHERE can I download the 1997 Star Wars SE?

pittrek said:

  1. Check the sticky thread with the project index
  2. Select the project which is interesting to you
  3. Read the project thread

That ain’t gonna help him at all!

Ostra, you will go to the Respecialized System. There you will learn from Harmy. The Restoring Master who once instructed me.

…you get it? I, I did, like, a Star Wars thing.

The Force Awakens : Fan Edit Ideas

towne32 said:

I’ve just checked the novelization, and the city shown in the destroyed Hosnian system is referred to as “Republic City”. The woman shown, I think, is called Korr Sella, Leia’s envoy.

This is all correct. Hosnian Prime was the planet’s name. You can find out more about the politics of TFA in the Visual Dictionary.

That’s one of the only things I wish would be in the movie… moar politics! Haha I guess others might feel the same, but as crazy as it is, the film needed to be just a teensy-wince clearer about the political situation. The prequels were bloated with poorly-executed political bog, and this film contained absolutely zilch!

If they filmed anything on Hosnian Prime. Anything regarding Kor Sella and her relationship with the Republic and Resistance, I’m sure there’s a spot to edit that in and not sacrifice the pacing!

Other than that, I’m pretty content. The final shot is a bit too swirly. But I think that’s the only wide shot of those two looking at each other, so I don’t think you can replace it…

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

onlyshallow86 said:

I’m hoping someone here can help me out. I’m a Mac user.
I downloaded the AVCHD versions of the despecialized edition. I believe these are designed to be burned to DVD+R DL discs.

However, the Verbatim DVD+R discs I purchased have 7.96 GiB capacity (they’re 8.55 GB base 10).

Only ROTJ fits on the discs - at 7.93 GiB
ESB is 8.06 GiB
ANH is 8.13 GiB

Is DVD+R DL the disc format these versions were intended for?
Are the file sizes I’m recording correct? Or did I download bad copies?
Are Windows users able to burn correctly with ImgBurn and these file sizes? Or using other types of media?

I’m wondering what troubleshooting strategy I should pursue at this point. I’d really like to make discs that are playable in a BluRay player rather than off my computer.

Just this month, I put the 8.13 gb A New Hope on a 8.5 gb DVD+R DL (Verbatim brand), with menus included from the 2004 DVD and it fit fine. However, this is most likely cause the software I used, Sony DVD Architect, did some compression when prepping it to be burned. I believe the final output was around 7.8 gigs.

I’m gonna be doing this for the other two soon. If anyone’s interested about it, let me know. I can put the files up and stuff.

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

Alright. First things first. Best pacing since Empire! Holy shit! The film grabs you and doesn’t let go. That’s a cliched statement, but I think it’s really true! Second, I loved every new character, and thought this was Harrison’s best performance in years! I see a lot of people harping on Snoke. I dug him, man! We saw just enough of him. I can’t wait for his role to be expanded on in the follow-ups. Finn, for me, was the stand-out newbie! Thought Boyega did an amazing job! Rey too. Those two were near flawless together! And Ben Larry Jacen Kylo Ren Solo… goddamn, man. I’m glad I didn’t waste $30 on this Kylo Ren mask, cause I love this villain! Phasma was very underused, unfortunately. But she’s coming back, so at least she most likely won’t be another Maul or Jango.

Okay, so yeah… it’s A New Hope. Almost beat for beat. I swear JJ is the most originally unoriginal filmmaker in Hollywood! My little brother turned to me a number of times just to say “it’s the same movie.” I regretfully have to agree. But honestly though, it’s the perfect First Act in this kind of ‘Hero’s Journey’ tale! If it ain’t broke! Plus, to be fair, even The Phantom Menace used almost the same template. ‘Two robots, on a quest for a member of royalty, meet a boy on a desert planet, longing for something more. The boy then joins the crew and helps stop a technological terror that has wreaked havoc on a planet.’ Phantom was just… more different and original than For– WHAT THE FUCK AM I SAYING??

Lot of callbacks and recycled tropes, but it not only worked as an incredible love letter to the Holy Trilogy, but it’s also the perfect bridge from the old to the new. Episode VIII has no excuse now not to go in a fresh, new direction! If it’s Empire Strikes Back v2.5 I will legitimately be disgusted. But this gets a pass from me. A pass with shining colors and stuff. I can’t wait to see it again!

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

towne32 said:

Also, did everyone else not get trailers? Was this them trying to make it like a 1977 experience? Were there trailers after the film? I was really surprised to have it start immediately after the lights went down.

Damn. Nah dude, we got a shit-ton of trailers! BvS, Civil War, Zootopia, Independence Day 2: Independencier, X-Men: Apocalypse, a new stop motion film from Laika Animation, and I think some other shit. I don’t remember.

Star Wars Prequel Trilogy (Anti-Cheese Edit) (Released)

bromeo said:

After hearing Collider Jedi Council’s Kristian Harloff rave about these prequel edits he came across

It is honestly quite baffling to me that Star Wars super-fans like the Collider crew are just now discovering prequel fan edits. I mean, Kristian was talking about the ‘No-Cheese Edit’ like it’s never been done before! The Phantom Edit and three cuts you found on YouTube is just scratching the surface. Someone send these guys an IFDB link!