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End Credits

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The 2008 '<strong>The Clone Wars</strong>' animated theatrical movie - a general discussion thread
skyjedi2005 said:


So now he is listed as doing superman the man of steel aka superman VI, the next 2 potter films supposedly and Jurassic Park IV as well as Lincoln and that spielberg movie about the vietnam draft dodgers.

That is a lot of stuff considering he stopped scoring films in 2005 and retired. Came out of so called retirement in 2008 to do a score that was light and full of reused material and full of fluff Indiana Jones IV.


Williams is as good as retired, unless it's a Lucas or Spielberg project.  IMDb lists him as merely the author of themes that will be used in the upcoming Superman, Harry Potter, and Jurassic Park films.



Tiptup said:

End Credits said:

Ahm... not quite. Carbon dioxide concentration does have a direct relation with rate of photosythesis; however, too high a concentration can inhibit the light-independent reactions (though certain plants have evolved around this inhibition). Anyway, any increases in rates of photosynthesis are most likely negated by clearing trees and other plant life (lowering the amount of carbon dioxide that gets converted to oxygen) while continuing to burn more fossil fuel (increasing carbon dioxide concentration).


At which point we have even more carbon dioxide and even stronger plant growth to offset the destruction of forests and the like.

I do not believe that the empirical evidence supports this.

vbangle said:

CO2 is what green plants BREATHE....in fact the more CO2 there is the GREENER the planet......you would think tree huggers would know that.....go figure.

Ahm... not quite. Carbon dioxide concentration does have a direct relation with rate of photosythesis; however, too high a concentration can inhibit the light-independent reactions (though certain plants have evolved around this inhibition). Anyway, any increases in rates of photosynthesis are most likely negated by clearing trees and other plant life (lowering the amount of carbon dioxide that gets converted to oxygen) while continuing to burn more fossil fuel (increasing carbon dioxide concentration).

New "Dark Knight" Viral Marketing: Operation Slipknot
ChainsawAsh said:

It's cool and it gets people more excited and more involved ... but why do it for a movie every other person on the planet ALREADY wants to see? This stuff worked wonders for Cloverfield - why not apply it to movies that won't otherwise get much attention?

It worked with Cloverfield because they were so secretive about the movie's details, and it provided the exposition that we couldn't get in the actual feature (it being first-person and all). I don't think this type of advertising is necessary for The Dark Knight and Star Trek because they are continuations of already-established canon*, and everybody knows about them anyway.


*'Course, there's always the question of whether they will actually stick to canon.
(SPOILER) new "STAR TREK" 2009 spoiler thread (SPOILER)
Johnboy3434 said:

In preparation for this movie (since it may be a reboot, or revitalization, or anything else that means it's not in the same timeline), I am going to start watching the series and movies... all of them.

Here's how I was introduced:

TOS: "The Enterprise Incident"
The Wrath of Khan movies
TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint" and "All Good Things..." (series premiere and finale)
Generations and First Contact

And later I saw Undiscovered Country (which I love), "The Trouble With Tribbles", and a handful of TNG Q episodes. I think being introduced to TNG in the manner I was has its flaws. The characters and how they interact with each other change over the series, so by the time we got to FC, I was wondering if I was watching the same people I met at Farpoint. Now that I'm over halfway through with TNG, I should probably watch those movies again.

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
Imo, the show went downhill during the second season, with Brock gone and all. Then they started adding new monsters... I can understand keeping the game/show fresh by adding new things, but a lot of the new monsters are ridiculous. The games are still fun, though I don't have a DS (or Diamond/Pearl).

Oh, and why is it that legendaries like Mew and Celebi are available in the Japanese editions, but for the US editions you either have to go to a Nintendo event or use a (potentially harmful) cheating device? What's the point of that???

Empire Strikes Back sets are terrible.
Originally posted by: Marvolo
Originally posted by: bad_karma24
The PT didn't use sets... that's what computers are for

Did you get that from the video on youtube called "The Lord of the Rings By George Lucas"?

HaHA! That's exactly what I thought. I discovered that video only a few days ago myself.

For those who haven't seen it.

And, no, the ESB sets look fine.
The 2004 SE DVD covers are laughable!
Originally posted by: SKot
I think the covers for the 2006 DVD releases are perfect.

Why? Look what's on the front: a modern, amateurishly Photoshopped mockery of the original trilogy posters, even tying in inappropriate elements of the prequels (Hayden Christensen's ROTS Vader).

That represents the 2004 SE in a nutshell.

Then, relegated to the back of the case (to denote their lack of importance), you have the original posters in all their glory.

That represents the treatment of the original unaltered trilogy in this set.

I couldn't imagine a more appropriate cover for the 2006 releases myself.


P.S. - mustn't forget to include mandatory teenage basher keywords: "Lucass", "Luca$h", "gay"

Hmm, good point.
The 2004 SE DVD covers are laughable!
Even more insulting is that the new covers are based on the movie posters from back when they came out. Seriously, they're like photoshopped versions of them.

Then they go and put the original posters on the back covers. Why didn't they just use the posters for the front (they are advertising this as the "original, unaltered trilogy", after all) and put some screenshots from the films on the back?
General Harry Potter Discussion
That is the best theory I've read for Book 7. Ever. I definitely haven't seen anything like that on IMDb's HP boards, though I haven't been there in a while. Anyway.

Yes, not only is it connected to the four founders, but it also has all those enchantments on it. We know it's Unplottable and you can't Apparate, but what else? Who knows what powerful magic resides in that ancient castle?

Er... could we have a recap of the Horcruxes so far? I'm a little rusty; only read HBP once...
-Riddle's diary (destroyed)
-the ring (destroyed)
-the locket (with RAB)
-Hufflepuff's goblet

What else?
What did the Prequel Trilogy need?
Oh, I thought of another one. I don't know if it's been mentioned already, but before the big duel between Anakin and Obi-wan, they should show Anakin sensing Obi-wan's presence. Instead, he just sees Padmé's ship come in. Remember what Vader says to Tarkin in SW?

A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master.

I must say I think this was something I was looking forward to when the prequels were announced. I mean, it's possible he sensed Obi-wan, but during those scenes they show him more preoccupied with Padmé.
Star Wars 3-D?
Originally posted by: Gaffer Tape
It'll be like the Yazzum's (or whatever the hell he's called) drool is falling right on us as he screams!

Aah, gross! As if the song isn't bad enough...

Ooh, they could have snow and wind during the snowstorm on Hoth. And mist on Dagobah. And more wind in the scene where Luke gets bombarded with heavy objects. Hey, the audience could get bombarded, too, come to think of it...

Okay, I'm having a little too much fun with an idea I'm not particularly crazy about.

What did the Prequel Trilogy need?
Originally posted by: Mielr
Originally posted by: End Credits

Padmé should not have died immediately after giving birth. I know the EU isn't everyone's cup of tea, but in one of the Zahn novels, Leia has a flashback of her mother hiding her in a chest or something.

Wasn't that bit in one of the OT novelizations?

It's possible. I've read the OT novelizations only once. I seem to remember it from either Dark Force Rising or The Last Command, though.
What did the Prequel Trilogy need?
Originally posted by: Gaffer Tape
The extended Mos Eisley sequence is another one that ruins a setup, just like the Jabba scene ruins the reveal of Falcon.

Hey, I never thought of it like that. I mean, the scene always ruined Jabba's appearance in RotJ, but I didn't think about how it affected the MF's.

The prequels needed more of Bail Organa. I don't know about other people here, but I didn't realize he was even in AotC until I got the Visual Dictionary. For crying out loud, this is the man who adopts Leia. We should at least see more of him than the little that we saw in Eps. II and III.

Like some have mentioned before, Naboo should have been Alderaan. The two planets are quite similar: green, the inhabitants love life and culture, they have no weapons.

Padmé should not have died immediately after giving birth. I know the EU isn't everyone's cup of tea, but in one of the Zahn novels, Leia has a flashback of her mother hiding her in a chest or something. In fact, the Thrawn series gives a lot of Old Republic information that could have been incorporated into the PT. But like I said, not everyone goes by the novels.