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Info: Recommended Editions of Disney Animated (and Partially Animated) Features

nirbateman said:

Can changing the cut to Scuttle to a crossfade be easily fixed or did they remove frames?  Other than that and the new placement of "Walt Disney Presents," the only other changes that would need to reversed for a true theatrical version is:

1) Priest's knee reinstated

2) Some animation that was changed (very minor, but if you want to be nitpicky)

3) Original Walt Disney opening instead of the new one.  This can be found in its original form on the "Pocahontas" Blu-ray.

Also, is the LD stereo rip from the original 1990 LD?

Well, I'm not sure they removed frames, as a dub I attached from the PE fitted perfectly once I changed the opening fanfare to it.

I know of the priest's knee, but I don't know of any other animation changes, and I'm not that big of a purist when it comes to TLM since I didn't have the old VHS during my childhood.

The reversed shots did trouble me since it was a stupid mistake to make, and had to be corrected.

Adding the original fanfare is interesting, but that would mean re-encoding it so it could be merged with the rest of the film, and since the bit rate isn't constant, I'm not sure how well it would work.

The DTS from it could be very useful however, in editing soundtracks for LD rips. For example, the Diamond DTS of BATB.

As to the Stereo rip, I don't have one yet, but I would assume whoever does that would use the original LD.

I don't have the expertise to re-paint the film like other members, but I can definitely upload the fixed video if someone would like to take a crack at it.

I've noticed a few minor changes, only because I've been noticing them for years. For example, they smoothed out the animation of Ariel when she is climbing onto the wedding ship.  Very minor and probably not worth the effort to "fix." I think the priest's knee is worth fixing.  I also think restoring the original fanfare is worth it as well, if it can be done.  Again, I don't have much knowledge in this area, so I am not sure.

I have the original LD, but I currently don't have the equipment to rip audio.  If anyone with the right equipment wants to rip the audio, I will gladly provide my copy for use.

Info: Recommended Editions of Disney Animated (and Partially Animated) Features

nirbateman said:

Well, I got the European BD, and more importantly, I found a software that allows for frame-by-frame editing, Solveigmm.

It has a short learning curve and the result is lossless, as no encoding is involved.

So I fixed the reversed shots on "Part of That World" and now I have a 16 GB video file (Without the sound that can be added later).

Other than the opening titles and the cut instead of fade when Scuttle is introduced, what would it take to put that edition on the top of the list?

Audio wise, as I had said, Jetrellfo's DTS cd's and a LD rip of the Stereo soundtrack (I can upload a small rip with the new mix for comparison and synching reference if needed)

Can changing the cut to Scuttle to a crossfade be easily fixed or did they remove frames?  Other than that and the new placement of "Walt Disney Presents," the only other changes that would need to reversed for a true theatrical version is:

1) Priest's knee reinstated

2) Some animation that was changed (very minor, but if you want to be nitpicky)

3) Original Walt Disney opening instead of the new one.  This can be found in its original form on the "Pocahontas" Blu-ray.

Also, is the LD stereo rip from the original 1990 LD?

Info: Recommended Editions of Disney Animated (and Partially Animated) Features

Mazaliche said:

   I think it's wonderful that we fans get together to do these kinds of preservation.

   Personally, I'd love to get a copy of "Snow White" as I remember it, grainy and not so bright / slightly brownish-pastel.

   I'd also like to have the open matte versions of the newer ( post "The Jungle Book" ) films, especially "Beauty and the Beast" ( laserdisc, anyone?)

   But the real grail for me, and I'm afraid nobody will be able to help me on this, is the original 1938 Brazilian Portuguese dubbing of "Snow White".

   It was the first "de facto" dubbing made in Brazil, it featured a cast of radio stars, Snow White's speaking voice was done by a fine singer that would become the most popular of the 1940's, Walt Disney was so impressed with the results that he personally sent a letter of praise and a gold watch to the director....    but I've never heard a word of it. Since the movie was redubbed in 1966, long before any kind of home video release, that first version has completely vanished. No excerpts have ever been made available. I can't even get any confirmation that it still exists...

I've seen torrents for the LDs you mentioned, but last I look there weren't any seeders.  I think some members here have made preservations, but I don't know where to find them.  Anyone know?

Are there open matte versions of Disney's animated films?  I think the LDs are either P&S or letterbox.

I'm assuming the Brazilian Portuguese dub for "Snow White" hasn't been commercially released?  Maybe it hasn't surfaced because the elements didn't survive after all these years.  It's a shame when films, parts of film and works of art in general become lost forever.

Info: Recommended Editions of Disney Animated (and Partially Animated) Features

EmpireSB said:

It's very strange... the files kept timing out.  Then two of the timed out files started downloading.  Now that those have finished, the rest keep timing out... They don't seem to be connecting for some reason.

Update: The files are downloading now, so it must have been an issue with the server.  Thank you very much for taking the time to create this theatrical edition.  I am very excited to watch this!

I'm not familiar with the laserdisc releases of Mermaid.  Does anyone know if the original laserdisc of Mermaid contains the theatrical audio mix?  Also, have all the different mixes from the various laserdisc releases been preserved, like the 1997 5.1 remix?

@Avatar_Emi I was going to import it, but decided to wait until it is released in the U.S.  Therefore, I can't comment on your question, but I know that sometimes Disney's trailers aren't always representative of the final product.


Info: Recommended Editions of Disney Animated (and Partially Animated) Features

The replacement of "Walt Disney Presents" and the direct cut (rather than a crossfade) to Scuttle have been confirmed as well.  Also, the animation of Ariel climbing out of the water onto the wedding ship is now less choppy.  On the Platinum Edition, it looked like a couple frames were missing since it appeared Ariel "jumped" out of the water.  Minor, yes, but still a change.  There may be other new animation changes as well.

Info: Recommended Editions of Disney Animated (and Partially Animated) Features

I'm sure it would be an easy fix if Disney doesn't fix it.  However, I doubt Disney will fix the issue.  They didn't fix the missing clouds in "The Lion King," but I'm not sure if the issue was known before the release and when the complaints started.  Apparently Disney admitted it was a mistake, but still didn't fix the issue.

The other changes aren't major, but still changes nonetheless.

Are you being ignored by Jedi Temple34?

xhonzi said:

TV's Frink said:

Added hairy_hen, Puggo, A-Man, and Tobar to the ignored list.

EmpireSB said:

I am not ignored by Jedi Temple34.  Should I feel special??

You and xhonzi should feel special.

:(  Now I feel less special, now that I have to share it.  Frinkin' EmpireSB.  I HATE YOU!

But he not ignored me before you, so now I have to share it with you.  So, I now hate you. :)

J. Williams &amp; LSO, The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK <em>AUDIOPHILE EDITION</em> - Restored &amp; Remastered Score (Released)

msycamore said:

It is the 70mm cut of the film that was rushed out for the premiere, several effect shots where missing and unfinished, and it had a slightly different editing as well as soundmix with different dialogue in some places.

I don't know if it's true or not, I've not seen the 70mm cut myself but I have also heard that the SE used the 6-track stereo mix as the source for the remix in -97. Can someone who remember, confirm this?

I don't understand what you mean by "if the quality of the film mix is the same on the 70mm?" I presume it was just edited differently to the 70mm version of the film. I actually like the absence of music in the "Departure of Boba Fett" scene in the film. Unfortunately, the 70mm cut has never been made available, but it would be fantastic if a bootleg of it would show up some day as I doubt it will be released officially by Lucasfilm.

I've heard some alternate sound clips that were used in the 70mm cut of the film such as the "You're lucky you don't taste very good" line, but I'm sure it captured from a source other than the 70mm cut.

As far as the quality goes for the 70mm... what I was asking was if the same soundtrack masters were used for both the 70mm cut of the film and 35mm cut of the film?  Why was the 35mm version edited differently than the 70mm version?  The only reason I don't like the "Departure of Boba Fett" scene in the 35mm cut is because the music cue was hacked up and it ended abruptly.  That always bothered me, but it is nice to watch the scene without music, at least the latter part of it.

I'm sure that there is a 70mm cut of the film out there somewhere, but I've heard that the 35mm version is the one that was most theaters played so there may not be many in existence except at Lucasfilm.  I can't confirm that, though.

J. Williams &amp; LSO, The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK <em>AUDIOPHILE EDITION</em> - Restored &amp; Remastered Score (Released)

ABC said:

"More authentic" depends on the point of view.

- The 35mm magnetic film mixes (by engineer Tomlinson) offer the more authentic version as intented for a film experience.

- The RSO version (by J. Neal and J. Williams) offers the more authentic version as originally intented for a soundtrack listening experience.

The Anthology version is yet something else (let's say a "reduction" of the Tomlinson mixes), and the SE still something else including a bunch of the Antho tracks awfully remastered despite some good restorations. But it's a bit long to explain (and so to understand even for me with all the infos... I was not meant to catch all this in the beginning and I'm still learning).

What about the 70mm cut of the film?  Is the quality of the film mix the same at the 70 mm?  I've read that the 35mm cut was rushed which probably explains why the "Departure of Boba Fett" cue was hacked up.  I haven't seen the 70 mm cut of film (with the exception of the Special Edition cuts, which were based on the 70mm cut) and I don't know if copies of the 70mm cut have been officially released.

EyeShotFirst said:

Wonderful booklet. I can't wait to see the whole thing.


Hear hear!  Looks great!

J. Williams &amp; LSO, The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK <em>AUDIOPHILE EDITION</em> - Restored &amp; Remastered Score (Released)

ABC said:

The RSO version is the track with the more reverb in it. It may actually be shocking to know they have reverb but I guess it was more or less a standart in the vynil area, and worth to notice such kind of effect was far more natural and deep than our computer generated ones. Actually this track has too much I think.

What makes the SE version so "vibrant" is as you say because of a different mix. Notably the harps are very close and I would have loved to borrow them through layering (but the mixes are too different *imo*).

This track is the hardest RSO one to make fit in the set because of its depht. It remains better than any version of it, and once your hears dive in it there's enough to be heard for you to "vibrate". ;)

Since the RSO version is more considered more authentic, then I will replace my current SE track with your restored RSO version.  In fact, I will be replacing my current tracks with all your sample tracks you have made available thus far.  Listening to some of the cues you restored is almost like to the score for the first time.  Okay, I'm exaggerating as I have every cue of the score ingrained in my head, but hopefully you know what I mean. :)

J. Williams &amp; LSO, The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK <em>AUDIOPHILE EDITION</em> - Restored &amp; Remastered Score (Released)

Keep up the great work, ABC!  It's great to see such devotion to one of the best scores ever recorded (and possibly the best Star Wars score).  It is certainly one of my favorite scores and I hope you continue to restore it so it can be heard the way it was suppose to be heard.

I have a question about your latest "The Duel" restoration job.  Maybe I am too used to hearing this track on the SE album, but this latest version seemed muffled and restrained.  I realize that the ESB SE album was improperly mixed, but that track seemed more "vibrant" on the SE album.  I have been listening to the SE album for almost 10 years now, so maybe my ears have gotten used to the incorrect sound.

Anyway, keep up the awesome work and I hope you don't get too discouraged from the seemingly lack of interest in your work.  I am certainly behind you 100%!

Question: Return of the Jedi - Missing Music
Darth Lars said:

I am not sure that I understand what you are referring to.

I'm not sure what you're referring to, either...  You mean about the higher quality master tapes for Jedi?  I've read on this forum and elsewhere that higher quality master tapes for "Return of the Jedi" were recently discovered.  See below.  Thanks for your reply, too.  I hope you just misinformed on what you read about those Max Rebo songs being lost forever.  I'm kind of in denial about that.  Although, I'm sure copies of the tapes were made.. after all weren't 3rd-4th generation masters used for the "Return of the Jedi - Special Edition" album?

Mielr said:

I hadn't heard about this before- where did you find out about this?

I read a post on here about it and on other sites, but they didn't really go into much detail about the discovery.  Here is the original post by GoodMusician.  He seems to be the expert on this stuff.  I never realized that the "Empire - Special Edition" album was incorrectly mixed until I read his post.  He talks all about it in his letters to people at Sony.  He also mentions that the complete masters for Jedi have supposedly been found... except for the currently unreleased cues.



Question: Return of the Jedi - Missing Music
Hi, people. I have a question about the missing music from Return of the Jedi and the recently discovered higher quality master tapes. First of all.. are those missing cues lost or destroyed? One person says they're lost, another says they're destroyed, and yet another "states" those cues haven't been released because of copyright issues (specifically the Max Rebo music). Second, what music is contained on the newly discovered higher quality masters? The same cues we hear on the current albums.. except just a higher quality? If so, why are the missing cues separate from the rest? Also, on the 2004 Return of the Jedi DVD the Max Rebo source music and Endor insert cue are isolated in the rear speakers (albeit horrendous quality!).. those had to originate from somewhere. Maybe they got them from the original soundtrack mix? I guess I just assumed the created a whole new 5.1 surround mix for the 2004 movies. I recently viewed the "From Star Wars to Jedi: The Making of a Saga" documentary and the first unreleased Max Rebo song is heard almost completely and its a great piece! Hearing that makes me want all the unreleased cues even more! I certainly hope they aren't gone forever! If anyone has any official information.. I'd greatly appreciate it!