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Info Wanted: Newbie questions - preservation remastered from the original theatrical cuts?

Thanks for the responses. I was aware that the original theatrical cuts came out on DVD some years ago, but I believe they were from LAserdisc versions?And that fans were enraged or something?

Are these "unaltered" versions that bad? I have a pretty nice LCD tv and sound system so I would like to show my bud something decent. The Adywan (sp?) Star Wars Revisited looks fantastic, but it's not really my style - all the new improvements, edits (lots of explosions it seemed too.) I really just want this kid to experience STAR WARS for the first time the way I did.

Which means I should show him a full-screen Beta max copy, but I'm trying to do better than that :)

Info Wanted: Newbie questions - preservation remastered from the original theatrical cuts?

I’m trying to sift through all the various forums and topics to find an answer to what I thought would be a relatively simple question, but the various restorations, cuts, fan edits, etc. are making this search of mine a bit difficult.

Is there a version of the original trilogy, remastered in high def, blu ray, dvd, etc. that is from the original theatrical cuts? I know there is a petition out for Lucasfilm to release this, but I find it hard to believe something similar has not been attempted or achieved on a fan level.

I have every copy of these films on every commercially released format, clearing my throat for any of the infringement warnings etc, and am not asking to trade or purchase.

I would simply like to know if someone can direct me in my search. I have a friend who wants to see the films for the first time and I do not want to show him anything with CGI Jabbas, Sarlac beaks or Death Stars exploding with shockwaves.

Thank you.