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Class Action lawsuit?!?

Originally posted by: liondagger

I love the "winky" defense, I can already see what a disastrous lawyer you're going to be. Please don't pull degrees in the discussion, because it's making you look even more ridiculous.

I never claimed to be a law student. Again read what's written.

I wonder if you just can't read, or are you simply just lying?

Let's look at the full quote.


Bossk, you made me laugh, thanks.

I love the "winky" defense, I can already see what a disastrous lawyer you're going to be. Please don't pull degrees in the discussion, because it's making you look even more ridiculous.

Please be honest and quote fully and honestly, I wasn't talking to you, I was responding to Bossk.

Or was this another "joke"? ???
Class Action lawsuit?!?

Originally posted by: Bossk

To emphasize, since you don't seem to get the point and think you know what I meant more than I do, I never wanted to start a class action lawsuit. I liked the idea so that I could research it and use it as a basis for asking my instructor a question or two about the legitimacy of such a thing (unfortunately, my instructor had a family emergency and wasn't in class to ask).

Again, I didn't say you actually wanted to file a lawsuit. Since you didn't read what I wrote let's look at it again ...

"Thing is, I'm not saying you guys were willing to seriously file a lawsuit, but you were seriously thinking this was either a great or doable idea."


get a clue.

Just read what is written.

BTW, you don't need to talk to your professor, the idea doesn't pass the laugh test. There, I saved your instructor some time.
Class Action lawsuit?!?
Bossk, you made me laugh, thanks.

I love the "winky" defense, I can already see what a disastrous lawyer you're going to be. Please don't pull degrees in the discussion, because it's making you look even more ridiculous.

Thing is, I'm not saying you guys were willing to seriously file a lawsuit, but you were seriously thinking this was either a great or doable idea. What makes this even fantastic, is that some of you are supposed to be law students!!!

Look at your replies, please, I know you're going to say "just kidding", but everybody knows better.

Gundar's reply was more intelligent;

That my argument doesn't hold water, you can't say that either because as you point out, we don't know the sales numbers. But even then, we all know that more than likely these DVDs are going to be bought by huge numbers of people, and there's nothing that indicates that a significant number of these people won't buy them because they're not the original versions.

If you believe these modified versions are going to result in greatly reduced DVD sales, then it's up to you to prove your point. Nothing indicates the general public even knows there are great differences between the versions in the first place! Geez, we have people here complaining about the sound mix! That should tell you that these are the type of fans, that while dedicated and attentive to detail, are not representative of the general public.

But we'll see ...
Class Action lawsuit?!?

Originally posted by: liondagger

Finally, I guess I keep forgetting that not everyone is familiar with the basic rules of netiquette (or perhaps they don't read things in their entirety... too many words, perhaps...? Talk about "arrogance and stupidity"! Anyway, I've digressed...) But while I am certainly curious about the legal ground from a hypothetical standpoint, the "winky" at the end of my post was meant to suggest that my tongue was quite firmly in my cheek.

I guess your "winky" didn't get the job done, because several people took you seriously in their replies and even agreed with your absurd premise. In addition, you admit you are curious about the legal ground for this, it's very simple and I'll save you time ... THERE's NO BASIS FOR IT.

The fact that you were taken seriously and had people praising the idea is indeed a sad commentary on our society.

Class Action lawsuit?!?
I'm sorry but this is a pretty idiotic idea.

No films have ever been marketed with a promise to make them immutable. If they actually advertised the movie as an uneditable inmutable work of art that they promise never to alter, you *might* have an argument, but that's not the case.

The case is that the artist in this case owns his work, and he can do as he pleases. There is no law that in our current system that forces him to release his material in a version to your or my liking. In our capitalist system, this is driven by market forces, and it just so happens that most people don't really mind the changes and are going to buy whatever version is available.

I don't mind people wanting the original versions, I can respect that. But to actually entertain the idea of suing the creator and owner of the work with a class action lawsuit is the height of arrogance and stupidity. If you are really thinking about this as a serious idea, you need to take a little break and really analyse what the heck is going on wrong in your life that would have made you entertain this as a realistic course of action.