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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

Can anyone translate the new line? Need Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Dutch, and Russian.

It’s in the context of Luke speaking to Rey, just after telling her that Leia chose to follow their mother’s path due to fearing Vader’s hatred.

“By training you as a Jedi, Leia confronted her fears and embraced love over hatred.”


‘‘Door je te trainen als Jedi, confronteerde Leia haar angsten en ontarmde zij liefde over haat.’’

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

“Final lesson, Rey.”

‘‘Laatste Les, Rey.’’

“Leia sensed it during your training.”

‘‘Leia voelde het tijdens je training.’’

“Ever since Skywalker.”

‘‘Sinds Skywalker.’’

“But everyone’s only out for themselves.”

‘‘Maar iedereen is alleen uit op zichzelf.’’

“Possibly some sort of spy!” (3PO answering “Who are you?”)

‘‘Mogelijk een soort spion!’’

“Come home.” (Leia to Ben)

‘‘Kom terug.’’

“Horrible things… have happened with this.” (It’s from the original movie, I know, but keeps me from looking up several subtitle files again)

‘‘Er zijn hiermee… vreselijke dingen gebeurd.’’

“What’s troubling you, Rey?”

‘‘Wat zit je dwars, Rey?’’

“But Leia feared the hatred that consulted our father… choosing instead to follow our mother’s path. Despite losing everything… and everyone… Leia always chose compassion over hatred.”

''Leia was bang voor de haat die onze vader greep… dus koos ze ervoor om het pad van onze moeder te volgen. Ondanks dat ze alles verloor… en iedereen… verkoos Leia altijd compassie boven haat.

“Let Leia’s legacy guide you on Exegol.”

‘‘Laat Leia’s nalatenschap je begeleiden op Exegol.’’

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

Okay, tell me how this looks. Hope that fixes it, because I’m not sure what to do otherwise!


looks better! but i do have to say that i think that the lightsaber before he pulls his mask up feels to blue-ish. but its fine how it looks now, fade is less noticable.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

PM sent!

Also, I still don’t see anything funny about Luke’s saber in that scene. To make sure, do you see the same thing in the original TROS?

no, the original TROS has the right shade of green the entire time. we only see the right shade of green fade in when luke pulls his mask up in the flashback. i cant unsee it. im 100% sure the green shade has been altered while altering leias saber.

https://youtu.be/hXVPX9zZy2M here is a comparison video i made of your edit and the original

at 00.15 you can see the blueish green into proper green

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

its not really flickering i mean tbf, i mean the green color shade switches. lukes lightsaber in the trainig flashback is more blue-ish before he pulls his mask up and then it cross fades into a different shade of green when he looks at leia. give it a good look. its a bit hard to see but once you see it, its quite un-see-able (if thats a word ha)

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

DylanB18 said:

Hal 9000 said:

When I do that, it just makes it the same relative difference as I started with. But with this slight clipping of the original line there is less contrast with the new AI line.

Again, translations are welcome, as this is a line I wouldn’t trust to an AI translator:

“You’re a ghost, in a rotting clone.”

je bent een geest, in een rottende kloon

Beledig me niet! Je bent een geest, in een rottende kloon!


The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

When I do that, it just makes it the same relative difference as I started with. But with this slight clipping of the original line there is less contrast with the new AI line.

Again, translations are welcome, as this is a line I wouldn’t trust to an AI translator:

“You’re a ghost, in a rotting clone.”

je bent een geest, in een rottende kloon

The Last of US Feature Cuts (Released)

so far its just cutting out some scenes to make it flow a little nicer. it think its going to be a part 1 and part 2.
part 1 will consist of episode 1 - 4 (minus nearly everything involving bill & frank)
part 2 will consist of episode 5 - 9 (minus nearly everything involving ellie & riley)

the upcoming ‘‘Left Behind’’ episode will just be some smal sprinkels that would appear as a nightmare as i told before.

But we’ll have to wait and see, first all episodes need to come out. but for now i have a decent layout for part 1 ready. I feel like the end of ep 4 is a nice cliffhanger

If there are people that want to help in any way, it would be apreciated. Like what could be deleted or what must remain? what could be shortened, ETC.

The Last of US Feature Cuts (Released)

I’m currently working on a feature cut of the new Last of Us HBO series. The series so far is really great. Cant say anything bad about it at this moment. This is just an experiment to see how it would work if it was a feature film. In my edit we start as we do i the game, with Joel coming home for his birthday for example. So its my intention to make it a bit more like the game.

I infused the opening of the TV interview within a shot where we see an actual TV in Ms Adler’s house: https://youtu.be/R6pemoE9sLw

I hope you guys like it. This was made possible with the great help of Darth Porg

Im also planning the delete almost everything from the Bill & Frank episode (ep3). Dont get me wrong it is a 10/10 episode, absolutly beautiful. But not essential since Ellie and Joel dont have any interactions with Bill since hes dead in the series (which he is not in the game). I do show little glimpses of the couple when Ellie reads the letter they left behind.

Probably also going to do the same with the upcoming ‘‘left behind’’ episode, i want to show little snippets from that episode in between thd ending of ep1 and ep2 to appear as a nightmare since we see Ellie wake up in the beginning of ep2.

There are likely going to be multiple Cuts, im guessing a trilogy but well see once we have all episodes

Crimson Maul's - Kenobi: A Star Wars Story RELEASED

potty meister said:

Thoughts on this?


ive seen this, i asked the creator if i could use it! but this would be more for an edit without the ep2 era trainig flashbacks. i like the placemnts of the flashbacks in the original episode, it makes sense. i dont want to delete it from my edit. if i find a way to put certian parts of the flashbacks in other places (where it still makes sense) ill definitly try spikul’s idea. now im waiting for pixeljokers edit to use as a base for v2 so well see where it goes from there

Crimson Maul's - Kenobi: A Star Wars Story RELEASED

dgraham414 said:
I would have kept more of Alderran, in the beginning, to give us more time with Leia. Other than that though, I liked it very much.

Thank you, really appreciate this!

The FX could use some work.

down the line this will hopefully get much better. especially the holocron get get a bit more work.

again thank you for this small review, didnt get many yet so this means a lot!