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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Flicking through some of the new parts of V5, there’s so much great stuff! The new AI lines sound really darn good, Kylo and Zorii’s actually made me do a double take. I’m not a fan of gen AI in general but stuff like this is a fitting use for it.

There is one thing I’ve thought for a while: in Rey’s new vision after she destroys the drone, there’s a dramatic drum/bwaah music at Luke’s “You went straight to the Dark”, but then it peters out after that line. I thought that bit of score felt a little out of place given it doesn’t continue, and the rest of the flashback was all voices and SFX; if it could either continue with more of the same drum beats or not be there I think it would sound more complete

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Yeah, that would probably work better. I mostly didn’t realize how big of a space there is to be filled there. But it’s definitely doable in a seamless way.

A slight reword just came to me that might work even better, particularly in terms of the flow of the conversation:

“I failed the galaxy. My greatest fear.”

This has a more logical progression:

“I was wrong. I failed the galaxy. My greatest fear. What are you afraid of?”

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I also agree with this^.

There’s a bit of downtime in the “Failure was my greatest fear” line; would something a tad longer, like “Failing the galaxy was my greatest fear” be possible? Not just the broad banner of failure, but specifically failing the people who relied on him, since that’s his motive in TLJ? He thinks the best way to help is to remove the Jedi from the galaxy; “I can’t be what she needs me to be.”

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Honestly, the only alternative Rey background story that I think could work decently is that there is a prophesied Sith chosen one created by the dark side itself as Anakin was by the light. But the final movie in a saga is a weird place to introduce such an idea.

This reminds me of an idea I had back when the film first came about, something I thought was a missed opportunity with the idea of the dyad (beyond that it should have been introduced earlier):

Would the Force, inherently dual in nature, with the whole central conflict between Light and Dark being about bringing balance and discovering what both truly mean, really create a Chosen ONE, rather than a Chosen TWO?

The hubris of the Jedi Order (that Luke himself decries in TLJ) was to completely stamp out and ignore the Dark, the equivalent of sweeping it under the rug, leaving people like Anakin in a terrible place. The constant folly of the Dark Side is absolute greed, which can never be sustainable (capitalism anyone?).

While Anakin went to both Light and Dark extremes, and people like Revan have been able to walk the line (though it did cause him and the galaxy a looot of problems), when the idea of the dyad was introduced I felt something really special could have been done with the idea of the Chosen One, which also would have ameliorated this film lessening the impact of Anakin’s sacrifice. To create true balance, the Force would make a Chosen Two, someone in the Light who struggles with the Dark, and someone in the Dark who struggles with the Light.

This is helped by Kylo already being a really unique Dark Side character, in that he doesn’t seek power as much as he seeks identity, leading to his constant conflict: the Dark Side can’t give him belonging and love. The theatrical films never delved enough into Rey struggling with the Dark Side but the Hal and adjacent edits (e.g. Starlight and Rekindled) bring it out brilliantly: she shows how tempting and easy the Dark Side is for a new, powerful, driven Force user, especially someone who has to learn so much so quickly like Rey and is desperate to defend her new family, the only one she’s ever had.

This doesn’t really have any bearing on the edit but I just wanted to share some thoughts!

EDIT: I also just remembered something else that I thought could augment this idea: Yoda in ROTS says to Windu and Obi-Wan, as they discuss if Anakin is up to spying on Palpatine and Obi-Wan affirms he’s the Chosen One, “A prophecy that misread could have been.”

EDIT 2: I just remembered ANOTHER part of this idea, related to the dyad: it’s not even a Chosen Two, but a Chosen Two that are One, perhaps why the prophecy was misread.

There’s no real way to make the idea work in TROS even with clever AI voices, as Rey and Ben don’t defeat the Emperor together and Ben dies. It’s more of a rewrite thing. Always intrigued me though!

The Force Awakens: Starlight (V1.1 Released!)

That looks pretty great! Leia’s new line works nicely, the dash of humour doesn’t break the tension or drama, if anything it kind of adds to it? Sort of a “Yeah we REALLY don’t need this right now 3PO” vibe. Never knew there were so many deleted scenes for TFA till now!

Also, I recently showed Starlight to my brothers, and they loved it! In their words, it was like watching the film for the first time again. We’ve collectively grown more and more jaded to the ST over the years, but this edit made us all enjoy Star Wars together for the first time in a long time, so thank you for that! (Tbf we were still constantly roasting TFA/the ST itself but the accomplishments of the edit were met with great praise)

I have a couple quibbles with the current version but they’ve mostly already been mentioned or you’ve already begun work on: Han’s leftover line when he orders them out of the Falcon compartment, Rey’s Sith eyes could pop more, some still-gold sand on Jakku (though having a bit of experience with colour grading I get that it may just not be possible to change the sand in those scenes without affecting skin tones).

One thing I did note (not sure if this has been mentioned) is that the sound when TR-8R slams Finn back with the riot baton is pretty muted under his “Pathetic!”, which dampens the moment. Could the sound be raised again without messing with the intelligibility of the line? That said, my brothers really enjoyed his new dialogue, and though I was sceptical the first time I saw it I liked it quite a bit more on this second viewing!

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Had a look through the Rey Nobody changelist:

Having not seen Spence’s scenes before, in terms of the effects on the story I thought it was great! Kylo’s dialogue in the duel and hangar work well for changing the stakes of the story, ups Rey’s inner conflict and defines her journey really nicely. The reduced scenes like Luke & Rey’s convo and the trimmed exchanges with Palpatine maybe don’t help the film’s already blistering pace but they do flow nicely overall. The yellow lightning is also a great addition; I read the difference between the blue vision lightning and the yellow real lightning as the vision showing her fears of becoming a Sith, but the yellow being more of a part-Light Side lightning, she’s not gone to the Dark yet.

In terms of their implemenation I had two main thoughts:

I do feel Rey’s vision is a bit brief. Maybe some similar elements to Kylo’s vision could be included, like Kylo reaching out to her (either in TLJ or the later scene in the hangar), to juxtapose how they both feel about that moment, and especially given her later line about wanting to take Ben’s hand? I also thought it would be interesting to see if Luke’s TLJ line “You went straight to the Dark” could be included, kicking off her struggle with the Dark Side throughout the film (Kylo also hears a line from Luke so it might be fun if they both do). Though since it’s meant to be more of a premonition than Kylo’s which seems more of a meditation I’m not sure if those work for what you intend.

Though Kylo’s new lines fit, they don’t sound entirely natural, though that’s totally understandable. I’m impressed by how good they do sound! Are these final, or can more work be done on them?

Excited to see the completed version! Though I think there could have been a way to make Rey Palpatine work if it was the plan from the beginning, this just makes the story and themes cleaner

The Hobbit (M4 Book Edit) (Released)

Hey again! Been a while; I’ve returned to my own fan edit projects for the first time in a while, and if it’s all right, I’m back with a couple more fan editing questions (just two this time hehe)

  1. How can I export without or with minimum compression/pixelation in dark areas of the image? My current efforts have seen heavy pixellation. My process is encoding the Blu-Ray Rip in Handbrake at max quality, then exporting as .mp4 or .mov. I’d love to have maximum visual quality, is it an mkv thing? I’m on the free version of DaVinci Resolve so I may be limited there

  2. How can I export DTS audio? Currently I’m just exporting AAC, which has so far been fine, but again, max quality would be really nice

I know I’ve had a lot of questions, but exporting’s turned out more complicated than I thought!

These exports are just some quite basic LOTR edits (added musical overtures, musical intermissions, chapter titles for the now six parts, and some minor cuts/trims), and I’d love to be able to have them in as high quality as possible. I may bring them to this site.