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I'm looking for versions of the Godfather that I don't have

I’m a collector of the Godfather saga and I look for versions that I don’t yet have. I have a list of the versions I don’t have,

The Godfather I - 8mm
The Godfather II - 8mm, 16mm
The Godfather Trilogy² 1901-1980 (1997)
Le Parrain 1901-1959
La saga du Parrain - Broadcast (1984, 1988, 1991, 2002, 2008)
The Godfather Saga USA Network 1997
The saga of El Padrino - Broadcast Tele5 (1991)
The Godfather Novella/Novelette

I collect a lot of things, I have scripts and documents, CDs and rare vinyls but at the moment I’m looking for versions that I don’t have, it doesn’t have to be one from the list, this list is just for me to base myself on. I’ll leave a list of the versions I have below.

The Godfather Trilogy (1972-1990):

The Godfather DVD Collection (2001) dvdrip
The Godfather Coppola Restoration (2008)
The Godfather 50th Anniversary Edition
The Godfather 50th Anniversary Special Collector’s Edition
Крестный отец I, II, III (Russian VHSRip)
Der Pate Trilogie 1901 - 1980 VHSRip
El Padrino La Trilogia 1901 - 1980 VHSRip
Il Padrino Trilogia 1901 - 1980 VHSRip
Le Parrain La Trilogie 1901 - 1980 VHSRip
The Godfather Trilogy 1901-1980 VHSRip
The Godfather I - 16mm

The Godfather Trilogy/Epic:

The Godfather Trilogy 1901 - 1980 (1992) VHSRip and LDRip english, russian
The Godfather The Complete Epic 1901 -1959 (2016) HBO
The Godfather The Complete Epic 1902-1959 (1981) vhsrip (2 Versions)
The Godfather The Epic 1901-1959 vhsrip: english, spanish, portuguese, italian (broadcast), german, japanese (laserdisc)

The Godfather (TV Broadcast):

The Godfather I [Broadcast on 13-02-80]
The Godfather Part II [Broadcast on Citytv 1999]
The Godfather (Trilogy) Lektor Pl (Polish Broadcast)
The Godfather The Complete Novel for Television (1980) NBC 5 DVD
The Godfather A Novel For Television (AMC 2012)
The Godfather Part III - (AMC 2012)
Der Pate Die Saga (German)
The Godfather Czech version 1993

Sorry for the long post, thanks for your attention!

I'm looking for a very specific version of The Godfather, and I would like you to help me

I’ve been doing some research on rare versions of The Godfather, and I think I’ve done very well so far, I found versions on VHS, I found a recorded version from AMC back in 1977 with 434 minutes, I also found The Godfather Trilogy 1901 -1980 with 9 hours and 43 minutes. But there is a specific version that I can’t find at all, which is The Godfather 1902-1959: The Complete Epic or in Italian “Il Padrino Complete Epic 1902 - 1959”, I already have The Godfather 1901-1959: The Complete Epic , but I looked everywhere for this version but I can’t find it, can anyone help me?