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The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread

That's funny I originally titled it The Hidden Planet, based on my love for the 1956 film The Forbidden Planet and obviously The Hidden Fortress. Later changing it to The Missing Planet to match Obi-Wan's dialogue exchange with r4, but I agree The Hidden Planet is the superior title. Very Flash Gordon.

"The Hidden Planet" it is!

The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread

This is my first post. I apologize for the stream of consciousness style of my proposal. From what I have witnessed of Adywans work, I believe that majority of these ideas are achievable. These are my thoughts on what I believe should be the first act of Episode II. I'm currently working on Act II. 




The rule of the Galactic Senate is under threat. Former Jedi Master Count Dooku has rallied several thousand star systems with the intention of declaring war on the Republic.

Despite the protests of many in the Senate the Supreme Chancellor has commissioned the creation of a CLONE ARMY to aide to aid the limited number of Jedi Knights in this time of unrest.

As Senator Amidala prepares to embark for the capitol, Obi-Wan Kenobi journeys to the clone facilities of Kamino, leaving his apprentice Anakin Skywalker to protect the former Queen of Naboo…


Obi-Wan’s star fighter arrives at Kamino. Several Republic Star Destroyers orbit the planet. Obi-Wan is asked to identify himself, which he does. He’s instructed to land.

The first meeting in Palpatine’s Office, at the beginning of the scene add a hologram recording of Dooku on the desk. “It’s time to start over” using dialogue and footage from deleted scene.  Finish with hologram informing Palpatine and the Jedi that Obi-Wan has made contact with Kamino.

Obi-Wan meets Lama Su then straight to the inspection of the clones. If possible change the décor of Kamino to give it a more OT Imperial look. Imperial looking non-clone officers walking around.

Naboo, Padme’s star ship sits on a landing platform on the lake near her villa. I believe there is concept art of this. Artoo and Threepio fill us in on any necessary exposition.

Anakin stands on the verandah, overlooking the lake/ ship. Padme appears, this scene plays out with some obvious cuts. “Jedi don’t have nightmares” and “I’ll come with you.” Anakin decides to abandon his posts as Padme’s protector in order to rescue his mother.

Obi-Wan meets Jango (helmeted always). No discussion of Coruscant.

Anakin arrives on Tatooine at the Lars Homestead in his star fighter. Re-dub protocol droid   (use original idea of sleazy car salesman Threepio?) Meets Owen, Beru (who will need to be re-filmed) and Cliegg Lars. Learns of his mothers death (not missing). Owen participates more in the conversation. Replace Padme’s close up with ones of Beru. From discussion to Funeral, no dialogue from Anakin.

Senator Amidala arrives on Coruscant and her ship explodes. Add Threepio to the group walking down the ramp. Decoy dies.

Obi-Wan reports to the old folks home about a bounty hunter being the source of the clones. Mace Windu “Where is your apprentice?” Obi-Wan “On Naboo. Escorting Senator Amidala,” using dialogue from later in the film Mace and Yoda exchange a worried glance.

The Lars homestead, we hear Owen’s voice calling out for Anakin. He is no where in the homestead, not the garage, kitchen or courtyard. Owen Lars stands scanning the horizon with his binoculars.

Extended montage of Anakin searching through the desert. No duel of fates. Something closer to Padme’s ruminations.  Anakin meets the Jawa’s at the sandcrawler (possibly my favourite shot of the prequels) He then comes across a moisture farm in flames. He kneels down and inspects the bantha tracks.

Anakin, hood up, approaches the Tusken Camp he ignites his light saber  (New footage, the obvious back lot of the Tusken camp, and the shot of Anakin jumping off the cliff face are atrocious.)  The sound of the howling Tuskens echoing off canyon walls turns into that of-

Obi-Wan’s starfighter engines traveling through hyperspace. Use footage from Asteroid chase where Obi-Wan looks concerned, only now he is concerned with a disturbance in the force. He aks R4 to contact Anakin. He’s out of range. Obi-Wan ponders this. We hear some dialogue of Qui-Gon saying Obi-Wan’s name. “Qui-Gon?” Obi-Wan asks r4 to if they are picking up any transmissions (not sure how yet). R4 replies negative. Obi-Wan “Curious.” The star fighter continues through hyperspace.

Owen, Beru and Cliegg watch as Anakin’s star fighter lifts off into the sky. Owen looks concerned. Beru “What is it?” Owen “I’m not sure.” Anakins star fighter disappears into the heavens. Owen walks across to his speeder.Beru "Where are you going?" Owen “The Toschi Station.” Don’t be too long. I won’t. 

Anakin’s star fighter docks with its hyper ring, Anakin looks out into space. Silence. The ship makes the jump into hyperspace.

Owen stands overlooking the slaughtered Tusken camp. The bodies of Tusken men woman and children litter the landscape.