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Star Wars Episode III: Labyrinth Of Evil (Released)

Firstly I just want to say that your prequel trilogy did what I wouldn’t have thought possible: created three not just watchable but actually very solid movies. The fact that they don’t change the plot of the films while making them GOOD makes me happy beyond measure.

Episodes 1 and 2 are phenomenal. There are probably minor improvements that could be made, but I thoroughly enjoyed both of these in their entirety. With the EP 2 edit having an actually believable romance, the slowish fall of Anakin Skywalker in the first 2 acts of EP 3 feel not just believable but actually somewhat reasonable. Even him killing Windu in an act of desperation in the spur of the moment feels “right.”

But (There’s always a but), after that point it feels like things break down a bit. Anakin goes from someone indignant with his station and desperately trying to save his wife, resulting in him siding with the person who he thinks can do that, to killing children, his old friends, and even force-choking out his wife. It’s all too sudden. The dark side isn’t a switch you flip, it’s something you fall to - it doesn’t feel right to falling directly to abject evil.

I expect the answer to this is simply “there’s only so much an edit can do with the material we have,” and if that’s the case I think we can all lament this together. I’m interested in your thoughts here about whether there’s anything that could be / have been done to alleviate this further.