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STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

adywan said:
Now, i plan on adding foreign language subtitles to ESB, but i really need help with these. I hopefully have Spanish and Portuguese taken care of, but other languages are impossible without some help. Is there anyone here or that knows of anyone that would be able to help with the other foreign language subtitles?

My native language is Estonian so i could provide you with that if you want. May have to learn how to make subtitles first but other then that i’d gladly give you a hand.

Star Wars Episode I: Cloak Of Deception (Released)

Octorox said:

Hey Hal, I just completed an edit for my own personal viewing that mixes and matches changes from your and L8wrtr’s edit (with a little bit from the Phantom Editor as well). I used your edit as the primary video source and spliced in bits from L8wrtr’s edit where needed (with a little grain and color correction to match it). Would you be opposed to me uploading this to Myspleen or elsewhere? With proper credit given of course.

wanted to ask you, since its completed, is it up anywhere ? Would like to see your version as well, so to make the finale call for Ep1 go to movie for me.

Star Wars Episode II: The Approaching Storm (Released)

towne32 said:

As for Yoda’s fighting: For many people who were fans for 22 years prior, seeing Yoda as a wise old sage, it was not fitting to see him flipping around doing acrobatics. I think people would have been happy to see him fighting with force powers. But it really doesn’t make sense to have him limping with a cane one second, and then capable of massive physical feats the next. The issue isn’t really that he drew a lightsaber, but that in order to make him able to fight a human sized foe, Lucas needed to have him jumping and such.

Thanks for clearing that up, i’v thought about that myself how he’s limping with a cane, going all jump happy and then limping again… Oh Lucas why make things so complicated.

Star Wars Episode II: The Approaching Storm (Released)

I see, well no worry’s take your time. As i’v understand the best edits usually take quite a while to complete. Could you guys explain to me why the hate for Yoda’s lightsaber action and cutting his uses out? Since i haven’t heard your commentary about the chances you made i can’t seem to grasp it. Ep1 commentary explained everything very nicely, anything i may have had a grudge on. I was a somewhat casual SW fan so i’m not really aware what the hardcore fans think about certain things but since with the new release and fan edits inclusion i’v started to watch them more frequently. It’s been a long time but it’s nice to get back in to it…
PS: Sorry for any typos, English is not my mother tongue.

Star Wars Episode II: The Approaching Storm (Released)

First thinks first i’m new here and just learned there are Numerous Fan Edits for SW which is excellent since you know the PT was kinda a meh.
Anyway Hal if you don’t mind me asking hows your SW Ep2 & Ep3 V4 are coming along ?
I loved what you did with the first one and really liked that commentary track you provided, learned a lot from it especially Ep1 Prequel Novels. It gave a nice insight to fan edits overall.
Would like to ask are you going to put commentary tracks on both of your v4 aswell as you did with the first one, i’ve seen your Ep2 V3 but the link for the commentary track you provided doesn’t work. (some kinda of youtube copyright nonsense)
Anyway waiting patiently do your last two “re-entries” for PT so i can complete the PT and replace my blue-rays.