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Info: The "Lost Cut" Of ANH

Hallo & Greetings from Germany!
Nice to see that here was interest in a “lost” or rough cut of STAR WARS (1977) and that also my now extended 3-hour motion picture fan edit “STAR WARS (1977) - BERND DÖTZERs FINAL CUT (BDFC)” is named in a reply, posted long ago. Perhaps here is still life! 😃
I can feel with the fans who would love to see more of EPISODE 4 - or think or know that they have seen a different version in the cinema long ago, but never being released again.
For you here is a new hope, at least to watch the first 30 minutes of my nostalgic 3h edit, which is a project in SD and Stereo (not in HD and Surround XYZ), started in 1998. Now a 25-year project.
I’m a fan edit dinosaur: when the Phantom Edit was making it’s round in Hollywood, I still had my own version of EPISODE 1 - and of course of EPISODE 4.
Since 1998, I inserted nearly year for year new scenes into my E4 and later E1 extended project, using cut, restored and selfmade scenes. I developed my own technique to create new STAR WARS scenes by using existing sound (for example original casting recordings) and existing image scenes from the original movies, calling it SNER (Szenen-Neu-Erschaffung durch Recycling = scene recreation through recycling), or winkingly “dötzing scenes”.
All this and my personal feeling I have for the original STAR WARS genre (yours may be different), led to this for sure unique version, even not existing in the Lucasfilm archives:
A 3h STAR WARS (1977), edited very well, mostly in colour with some B/W material, rarely some scenes like animatics from video games or with action figures (in theory these are the scenes in the print, Lucasfilm has to replace with photorealistic scenes), and completey edited in story and sound, it has the feeling as a never-before-seen extended version of STAR WARS, before it was cut down to 2 hours. Something which was showed to the makers and collaborators of the film in the THX cinema long ago, in 1977, and then put away into the archive, to be never been screened again.
With this story in mind, some open fans can for sure watch STAR WARS from 1977 for the very first time again.
Forget all the talks “the film is better without the Biggs scenes” or “the torture of Princess Leia was and will never be part of the film” or “a second trench run of Luke is a bad idea” … they are wrong! In my fan edit it is all there, most cut scenes ever released or talked about, lots of new scenes developing deeper characters and plot strings. And the nostalgic STAR WARS feeling. It’s all working! If you are open minded and ready for an edit in VHS quality, as it could have been viewed in 1977 in a room at THX.
So I see and feel it. What you feel, may be different.
For me, it’s on Lucasfilm to release extended versions in perfect image and sound quality!
As fans we have seen the movie countless times, because of this every fan should give new versions at least 2 times to watch, in order to overcome the habit.
From early on I creted my own fan edit codex, for example to show my real name and to let the copyright holder know what I’m doing with the movie etc., plus not to share my complete fan edit as download. If you want to see it completely, here in Germany is the possibility, if I organize a screening in a little fan circle.
But the first 30 minutes, as proof and experience what could be, to fulfill some fan’s dream of … why not.
Enough talk!
I will give you, who like me always wanted to see more of STAR WARS (1977), finally the chance to watch the first 30 minutes of my 3h fan edit “STAR WARS (1977) - BDFC”. With this you experience complete Biggs on Tatooine - and much more until farewell.
For this you have to join my facebook group “BERND DÖTZERs FINAL CUT - BDFC: Extended STAR WARS, CONAN & more”, there you will find a link to the video (as long as it works).
My group is no problem, omly infos about my fan edits and other own works. And there will be announcements for screenings, if I organize one. If you enter the group, please do not give the link of the “first 30 minutes video” to others outside the group. It is fair after 25 years of fan editing that if you want to watch it, you join my group. The video starts with a 15 minutes intro to give background and set you in the mood of 1977, before the 30 minutes of “STAR WARS (1977) - BDFC” are running. Please watch the intro and then let the show flow with you!
May the Force be with us!
Teaser: https://youtu.be/LBselH356tY