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The Phantom Menace - Improved Edition (10 years on the forum edit) (Released)

Here is my review for my friend Dazman’s edit of Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace. I actually really enjoyed this
new edit as I have seen it 74 times since acquiring it last year and I have several close friends who have seen it too.

I especially enjoyed the extended Duel of the Fates stuff, I think it adds much more weight to the stakes of the duel of the fates as Lucas once put it the outcome of the duel of the fates decides Anakin Skywalker’s future. Also I loved how you made it seem like Darth Sidious and Palpatine were two different people like this edit feels like the true version of Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace that we all should’ve gotten in 1999 but didn’t. I was 9 when Phantom Menace came out but I didn’t actually see it until like the last week it was able to be shown at my theater. Thank you Dazman for this edit and I can’t wait to see what other stuff you add to Episode’s 2 and 3.